wieso reden alle von intels quicksync auf linux ?
Das gibt es seit gefühlt 100 jahren nicht mehr.
Das läuft über vaapi.
Umzug Emby auf kleineres Gerät
Mr.Vain -
26. Oktober 2022 um 13:27 -
Das gibt es seit gefühlt 100 jahren nicht mehr.
dss "orginale" Quicksync läuft nur mit dem media sdk, das lässt sich auf modernen Maschinen nicht mehr benutzen.
Heute klappt das ootb mit der opensource Bibliothek libva VA-API.
Ich finde das ist eine Falsche Bezeichnung.
Da das nun da steht nehm es als gegeben.
ist aber nicht so
Probiers über ffmpeg, oder schau ins emby [definition='1','0']log[/definition] wenn nur Quicksync aktiviert ist.Future Approach #2: Media SDK ("MSDK")
(This is the approach that the FFmpeg documentation rather confusingly refers to as "Intel QSV")
Intel's Media SDK is the company's professional offering with the aim of providing the highest performance and the most video features all accelerated on Intel chips.
It sounds great. You can download the SDK for free, and they have also published a first open source release of it too. But there are hidden reasons why we can't use any of this yet in Ubuntu. The problem is that pieces are missing. Both of them have a dependency on a custom proprietary fork of LibVA (VA-API). While this "missing" code is actually provided in the commercial download, it requires that you:- Overwrite official Ubuntu files, possibly breaking your system; and
- Recompile all your video players yourself; and
- Don't redistribute what you've made.
That won't work for us right now. And we don't recommend you try. It's very complicated and can easily break your Ubuntu installation.
So what about their open source version of Media SDK on Github? Well, that won't work either. It actually has a dependency on the commercial download in order to build at all, and with that has all the same restrictions as the commercial download.
Why is this a "Future Approach" then? Because in future we might be able to use the Media SDK after Intel removes the proprietary prerequisite problem. -
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