[Release] HRTi - Kroatisches Fernsehen, Radio, Videothek

  • Link zum Plugin:

    - TV, Radio, Videothek
    - Widevine DRM gestützte Videos

    - Kompatibilität: Kodi Matrix
    - Erfordert kostenlosen Account, bei der Erstellung VPN benutzen
    - Credentials in den Einstellungen eingeben
    - Streamen funktioniert auch ohne VPN
    - Known issues:
    - Radio funktioniert nicht (Widevine Error)
    - Keine Infos zur Sendung

    - PVR Addon
    - Description befüllen (EPG, Video)

    Version 0.9:

    • Fixed: Radio
    • Added: EPG
    • Added: Restart from EPG (green items)
    • Added: EPG Details for Radio / TV
    • Added: Plot / Description
  • GitHub sieht sauber aus und enthält alle nötigen Infos [ay] . Wenn Du Lust hast, kannst Du das Addon gern im Nerdsrepo hosten. Wegen der Zugangsdaten kannst Du mir entweder eine Nachricht schicken oder eine Konversation eröffnen.

    AZi (DEV): Nexus auf LibreElec | Asrock J4205 | 4 GB RAM | 128 GB Sandisk| Rii mini
    DEV: PC Ubuntu 20.04 | Matrix
    AZi: Tanix TX3 | Android/CoreElec Dualboot (EMMC), Nexus
    WoZi: Nexus auf LibreElec | Asrock J4205 | 4GB RAM | 128 GB Sandisk SSD | Atric IR | URC7960

    NAS: unRaid, 3x6TB, 2x12TB | TV-Server: Futro S550 mit Hauppauge QuadHD DVB-C
    PayPal: paypal.me/pvdbj1

  • I would like to point out some bugs in plugin.video.hrti.

    1. As you can find out in Kodi HRTi home page picture, a title is missing in paragraph 7. Title in paragraph 10 is located between two marks.

    2. In second picture, HRTi film tab titles are marked with pictures instead of paragraphs. Viewed mark is missing.

    It would be good to replace titles pictures marks in all addon by paragraph marks and add tick for viewed videos ?

    3. Could you please add video quality selection in order to avoid automatic quality management ? Sometimes, it's annoying when it automatically switches from 720p to 540p or from 1080p to 720p. As you can see in picture 3, such video feature exists in HRTi web page as of niska=low (360p), srednja=medium (540p), visoka=high (720p), automatski odabir=automatic selection.

    Thanks very much.

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