habe ganz viele der folgenden Fehler im Errorlog:
2020-09-14 12:59:10.000 T:5176 WARNING: No information found for item 'nfs://', it won't be added to the library.
2020-09-14 12:59:10.056 T:5176 WARNING: CVideoInfoTag::GetDurationFromMinuteString <runtime> should be in minutes. Interpreting '0' as 0 minutes
Kann mir jemand sagen woran das liegen kann? Die meisten Filme /Serien werden aber ordentlich in die DB aufgenommen.
Gibt noch weitere Fehler:
2020-09-14 13:11:56.683 T:3688 ERROR: Could not find suitable input format: x-directory/normal
2020-09-14 13:14:56.045 T:5176 ERROR: XFILE::CDirectory::GetDirectory - Error getting
2020-09-14 13:15:01.160 T:5176 WARNING: ADDON::CScraper::NfoUrl: scraper returned multiple results; using first
2020-09-14 13:15:33.606 T:5176 WARNING: Previous line repeats 12 times.
2020-09-14 13:15:33.606 T:5176 ERROR: XFILE::CDirectory::GetDirectory - Error getting
2020-09-14 13:15:34.501 T:5176 ERROR: CCurlFile::Open failed with code 404 for https://webservice.fanart.tv/v3/tv/310820?a…1ca4dd966a04f1:
2020-09-14 13:15:34.502 T:5176 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse web site
2020-09-14 13:15:34.635 T:5176 ERROR: CCurlFile::Open failed with code 404 for https://webservice.fanart.tv/v3/tv/310820?a…1ca4dd966a04f1:
2020-09-14 13:15:34.635 T:5176 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse web site
2020-09-14 13:15:34.760 T:5176 ERROR: CCurlFile::Open failed with code 404 for https://webservice.fanart.tv/v3/tv/310820?a…1ca4dd966a04f1:
2020-09-14 13:15:34.760 T:5176 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse web site
2020-09-14 13:25:54.169 T:6524 NOTICE: script.tv.show.next.aired: ### starting data update
2020-09-14 13:25:54.169 T:6524 NOTICE: script.tv.show.next.aired: ### grabbing a new country mapping list
2020-09-14 13:25:55.425 T:6524 ERROR: script.tv.show.next.aired: ### ERROR retreiving updates from thetvdb.com: File is not a zip file
2020-09-14 13:25:55.506 T:6524 NOTICE: script.tv.show.next.aired: ### data update finished
Das ist eine nagelneue Kodi Leia installation...