Ich glaube, dass alle Binary-Addons geupdatet werden müssen.
Maven's Kodi-Builds für Android
Maven -
21. April 2020 um 10:11 -
Das klingt nach viel Arbeit wegen der API Umstellung für die Addon Ersteller und den Kodi Team ...hallo Maven.
wenn du nicht warten willst,hier das aktuelle inputstream
ja es müssen alle bin addons gepudatet werden, AlwinEsch hat schon alle pr vorbereitet müssen nur noch gemerged werden
Super...danke für die Info...AcidZero
...hatte die InputStream Adaptive .zip Datei für die 64 Bit Version heruntergeladen und installiert...sowie unter den Netflix Addon und Disney+ Addon ein paar 4K plus Dolby Vision Filme und Serien angetestet...es funktioniert damit wieder ohne Probleme.
Wo finde ich den neuesten Build der DV in MKVs unterstützt?(NVIDIA Shield 2019 PRO
Wo finde ich den neuesten Build der DV in MKVs unterstützt?(NVIDIA Shield 2019 PRO
da wärst du der erste, dem das "öffentlich" passiert.
Wenn ich da irgendwie helfen kann, sag bescheid. Viel haben wir aber nicht an infos.
Immer nur den "jetzt"-Stand.Danke don. Was auch immer das war, ich hab jetzt mal mein passwort geändert und gut ist. Hab hier in meinem account ja eh nichts 'wichtiges' hinterlegt. also alles gut.
wenn du nicht warten willst,hier das aktuelle inputstream
ja es müssen alle bin addons gepudatet werden, AlwinEsch hat schon alle pr vorbereitet müssen nur noch gemerged werden
Excuse my lack of German etc.
The link seems faulty but the following should list the same right?Nexus -> https://jenkins.kodi.tv/job/xbmc/job/i…tive/job/Nexus/
All builds <-
I think you can download in the repo again. It is already updated.
Hello guys,
I'm testing Matrix and Nexus latest Maven's builds on my Firestick 4k Max. I'm very impressed so far, but there is a problem with DV mp4 files. Lots of droped frames. In some cases picture just freeze on coupple of seconds then try to fast catch up and freeze again. It's strange that in Just Player everything is ok with the same DV mp4 files.mp4 files are:
thx for help. -
Hello guys,
I'm testing Matrix and Nexus latest Maven's builds on my Firestick 4k Max. I'm very impressed so far, but there is a problem with DV mp4 files. Lots of droped frames. In some cases picture just freeze on coupple of seconds then try to fast catch up and freeze again. It's strange that in Just Player everything is ok with the same DV mp4 files.mp4 files are:
thx for help.
Do these files work as expected with an unmodified Kodi?
DV mp4 is supported by Matrix and Nexus. Maven‘s builds provide DV mkv capabilities (profile 07).
Regards Hoppel
Do these files work as expected with an unmodified Kodi?
DV mp4 is supported by Matrix and Nexus. Maven‘s builds provide DV mkv capabilities (profile 07).Regards Hoppel
I was testing on fandangos Matrix latest build and it was the same problem. Didn't try unmodified Kodi yet.
I was testing on fandangos Matrix latest build and it was the same problem. Didn't try unmodified Kodi yet.
Try an unmodified Kodi. As I said DV mp4 (profile 05) works by default. Let’s see if that works for you.
Which device are you using?
This build with its DV mkv capability works for Shield 2019 Pro and FireTVs (not all models I think, I don’t own such devices). I read that some users had luck with specific other devices.
Regards Hoppel
I'm using Firestick 4k max. I'l try unmodified Kodi later today, but it's a shame that there are no perfect Kodi for DV mp4 and mkv. Maybe some day...
Das klingt nach viel Arbeit wegen der API Umstellung für die Addon Ersteller und den Kodi Team ...hallo Maven.
Hat Maven wieder etwas Umgestellt?Weil benutze Aktuell noch ca. 1-2 Monatigen alten Kodi von Ihm deswegen die frage.
Was soll denn dieser API bewirken? -
Ich habe nichts umgestellt, die Kodi-Entwickler haben die API-Version hochgedreht. Das beeinflusst aber nur die binary-Addons, die inzwischen aber geupdatet wurden.
Hello guys,
I'm testing Matrix and Nexus latest Maven's builds on my Firestick 4k Max. I'm very impressed so far, but there is a problem with DV mp4 files. Lots of droped frames. In some cases picture just freeze on coupple of seconds then try to fast catch up and freeze again. It's strange that in Just Player everything is ok with the same DV mp4 files.mp4 files are:
thx for help.
Mostly It doesnt want to seem to play on DV MP4 files, with me it stops/Freeze playing after a minute or so.
Only DV mkv play flawlessly on my shield. Luckily more and more mp4's are also available in mkv
The Only wish remains Audio passtrough... -
Mostly It doesnt want to seem to play on DV MP4 files, with me it stops/Freeze playing after a minute or so.Only DV mkv play flawlessly on my shield.
Can you repeat it with one of the following files?https://www.demolandia.net/4k-video-test/…ion/page-1.html
Luckily more and more mp4's are also available in mkv
Sorry, I am out. I only have mkv remuxes of 4K uhd discs I own.
The Only wish remains Audio passtrough...
What is wrong with passthrough?Regards Hoppel
Hi all, I have a Sony x900h TV and I have installed Matrix and Master but I always have a problem when Im playing some movie files with HEVC .265 , the image will have green lines and blurry , the only way that I can make it work is to disable the processing " allow hardware acceleration - MediaCodec Surface from the settings . Please let me know if there is a fix for this cause its happening on all Matrix or Master builds . Thanks
Its happening only with some files that have HEVC x265 - description from the file is ( HEVC h.265 web dl , dolby digital , 5.1 ) . Thank you -
Try an unmodified Kodi. As I said DV mp4 (profile 05) works by default. Let’s see if that works for you.
I tried both latest official Matrix and Nexus last night. Matrix didn't triggered DV at all (wrong colors). Nexus triggered DV with the same problems (lost frames + freezes).
Jetzt mitmachen!
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