How can i install Linux And Windows together?

  • I want to have the option to boot to linux when i need to do work, and boot to windows because of gaming. Can you give me a good step by step on how to do this?
    Also, is there a recommendations of a Good Linux distro for windows users who are used to windows? so the change won't be so drastic?

  • Also, is there a recommendations of a Good Linux distro for windows users who are used to windows?

    Zorin OS or Linux Mint

    I want to have the option to boot to linux when i need to do work, and boot to windows because of gaming. Can you give me a good step by step on how to do this?…l-boot-windows/

    Guides nicht mehr verfügbar wegen Youtube unvermögen guten von schlechten Kodi Videos zu unterscheiden.

  • Zorin OS or Linux Mint

    I would not recommend the one or the other. I would recommend a normal Ubuntu Installation. Everything else is a mixture of Ubuntu and their own shit what those distributions are doiing. Kodi recommends Ubuntu as a distribution. So I would also decide to use that. If you want something which looks a bit more like Windows, I would recommend one of the Ubuntu spin-offs like "Xubuntu" or "Kubuntu". The OS is generally the same, only the desktop-environment looks different and probably XFCE (which is used for Xubuntu) or KDE (which is used on Kubuntu) makes it easier for Windows users.

    Mint does a good job. But I wouldn't recommend that as well.

  • Just e carefull to install Windows first and Linux afterwards. Otherwise Windows will overwrite the MBR and will implement its own bootmanager and you have to install grub afterwards again. It's not rocket-science, but for a first-time-linux-user a bit too complicated probably .


    1. create partitions for each operating system (or resize the existing one with gparted or some Windows tool if Windows is already installed)
    2. Install Windows
    3. install Ubuntu

  • No, I'm not writing it in another way. I'm explaining it in the same way your guide does:

    As he wants to install both OSs, he will use that:


    Install Linux alongside Windows: This method is called dual booting Linux with Windows. Here, you install Linux on a system that already has Windows. And when your system powers up, you can choose if you want to use Windows or Linux. This involves touching the disk partition and sometimes boot order. Absolute beginners often find it complicated but this is the best way to use Linux and Windows together in one system. And in this article, we’ll see how to dual boot Linux Mint with Windows 10.

    There's the talk about "Here, you install Linux on a system that already has Windows."

    If that's the case and he has Windows already installed, that's the way to go, as I said above and as your guide does also,

    If he wants to use a complete new HDD, then he has to install Windows first and then follow the guide you posted above

    It's completely the same. Not sure what your problem is currently. I'm only kind of confirming it.

    If you install Linux first and then decide to install Windows, Windows will overwrite the MBR and you can't boot Linux anymore. There are ways to solve that, but that will be too complicated for a Linux-Newbee (booting Live-Linux and install grub from command line to a specific HDD....come on, you know that this is not easy for a Linux-newcomer).

    So, all I`m saying is, that the order in which you install those OSs is important.

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