Unraid Release Thread

  • Version 6.12.4 2023-08-31

    Upgrade- Hinweise

    Bekannte Probleme

    Allgemeine bekannte Probleme finden Sie in den Versionshinweisen zu 6.12.0 .


    Bevor Sie auf eine frühere Version zurücksetzen, müssen Sie sicherstellen, dass Bridging aktiviert ist:

    • Einstellungen > Netzwerkeinstellungen > eth0 > Bridging aktivieren = Ja

    Starten Sie dann das Array (zusammen mit den Docker- und VM-Diensten), um Ihre Docker-Container, VMs und WireGuard-Tunnel wieder auf ihre vorherigen Einstellungen zu aktualisieren, die in älteren Versionen funktionieren sollten.

    Überprüfen Sie in der älteren Version, ob diese Einstellungen für Ihr Setup korrekt sind:

    • Einstellungen > Docker > Hostzugriff auf benutzerdefinierte Netzwerke
    • Einstellungen > Docker > Benutzerdefinierter Docker-Netzwerktyp

    Wenn Sie ein Rollback vor 6.12.0 durchführen, lesen Sie auch die Versionshinweise zu 6.12.0 .

    Fehlerbehebung für MacVLAN- Anrufverfolgungen

    Die große Neuigkeit in dieser Version ist, dass wir Probleme im Zusammenhang mit Macvlan-Anrufverfolgungen und -Abstürzen behoben haben!

    Die Ursache des Problems liegt darin, dass MacVLAN, das für benutzerdefinierte Docker-Netzwerke verwendet wird, unzuverlässig ist, wenn die übergeordnete Schnittstelle eine Brücke (wie br0) ist. Es funktioniert am besten auf einer physischen Schnittstelle (wie eth0) oder einer Bindung (wie Bond0). Wir glauben, dass es sich hierbei um ein seit langem bestehendes Kernel-Problem handelt und haben einen Fehlerbericht veröffentlicht .

    Wenn Sie Anrufverfolgungen im Zusammenhang mit MacVLAN erhalten, empfehlen wir als ersten Schritt, zu Einstellungen > Docker zu navigieren , zur erweiterten Ansicht zu wechseln und den „benutzerdefinierten Docker-Netzwerktyp“ von MacVLAN in IPVLAN zu ändern. Dies ist die Standardkonfiguration, mit der Unraid seit Version 6.11.5 ausgeliefert wird und die auf den meisten Systemen funktionieren sollte.

    Einige Benutzer haben jedoch Probleme mit der Portweiterleitung von bestimmten Routern (Fritzbox) und eingeschränkte Funktionalität mit erweiterten Netzwerkverwaltungstools (Ubiquity) im IPvlan-Modus gemeldet.

    Für diese Benutzer haben wir eine neue Methode, die das Netzwerk überarbeitet, um dies zu vermeiden. Passen Sie ein paar Einstellungen an und Ihre Docker-Container, VMs und WireGuard-Tunnel sollten sich automatisch anpassen, um sie zu verwenden:

    • Einstellungen > Netzwerkeinstellungen > eth0 > Bonding aktivieren = Ja oder Nein, beides funktioniert mit dieser Lösung
    • Einstellungen > Netzwerkeinstellungen > eth0 > Bridging aktivieren = Nein
    • Einstellungen > Docker > Hostzugriff auf benutzerdefinierte Netzwerke = Aktiviert

    Hinweis: Wenn Sie zuvor die 2-NIC-Docker-Segmentierungsmethode verwendet haben , möchten Sie diese auch zurücksetzen:

    • Einstellungen > Docker > benutzerdefiniertes Netzwerk auf der Schnittstelle eth0 oder bond0 (stellen Sie also sicher, dass eth0/bond0 für das benutzerdefinierte Netzwerk konfiguriert ist, nicht eth1/bond1)

    Wenn Sie das Array starten, können der Host, die VMs und die Docker-Container alle kommunizieren und es sollten keine Aufrufverfolgungen mehr vorhanden sein!


    • Wenn Ihre Docker-Container mit benutzerdefinierten IPs nicht starten, bearbeiten Sie sie und ändern Sie den „Netzwerktyp“ in „Benutzerdefiniert: eth0“ oder „Benutzerdefiniert: bond0“. Wir haben versucht, dies automatisch zu tun, aber je nachdem, wie die Dinge angepasst wurden, müssen Sie es möglicherweise manuell tun.
    • Wenn Ihre VMs Netzwerkprobleme haben, bearbeiten Sie sie und legen Sie die Netzwerkquelle auf „vhost0“ fest. Stellen Sie außerdem sicher, dass eine MAC-Adresse zugewiesen ist.
    • Wenn Ihre WireGuard-Tunnel nicht starten, nehmen Sie an jedem Tunnel eine Dummy-Änderung vor und speichern Sie.
    • Wenn Sie Probleme mit der Portweiterleitung zu Docker-Containern haben (insbesondere mit einem Fritzbox-Router), löschen Sie die Portweiterleitung in Ihrem Router und erstellen Sie sie neu.

    Um es etwas technischer zu machen ...

    Wenn nach dem Upgrade auf diese Version Bridging auf eth0 aktiviert bleibt, funktioniert alles wie gewohnt. Sie können versuchen, die Anrufverfolgungen zu umgehen, indem Sie das benutzerdefinierte Docker-Netzwerk deaktivieren, ipvlan anstelle von macvlan verwenden oder die 2-NIC-Docker-Segmentierungsmethode mit Containern auf eth1 verwenden.

    Wenn Sie ab dieser Version Bridging auf eth0 deaktivieren, erstellen wir ein neues Macvtap-Netzwerk für die Verwendung durch Docker-Container und VMs. Es hat ein übergeordnetes Element von eth0 anstelle von br0, wodurch wir die Aufrufverfolgungen vermeiden.

    Ein Nebeneffekt besteht darin, dass Macvtap-Netzwerke Berichten zufolge schneller sind als überbrückte Netzwerke, sodass Sie bei der Kommunikation mit Docker-Containern und VMs möglicherweise Geschwindigkeitsverbesserungen feststellen können.

    Zu Ihrer Information: Wenn Bridging für die Hauptschnittstelle (eth0) deaktiviert ist, wird der benutzerdefinierte Docker-Netzwerktyp auf macvlan gesetzt und ausgeblendet, es sei denn, es gibt andere Schnittstellen auf Ihrem System, für die Bridging aktiviert ist. In diesem Fall ist die Legacy-IPvlan-Option verfügbar. Um den hier besprochenen neuen Fix zu verwenden, sollten Sie ihn auf „macvlan“ belassen.

    Seite „Systemtreiber“.

    Navigieren Sie zu Extras > Systemtreiber , um Einblick in die auf Ihrem System verfügbaren/verwendeten Treiber zu erhalten. Von Plugins installierte Treiber von Drittanbietern (wie NVIDIA und Realtek) verfügen über ein Symbol, das auf die Support-Seite für diesen Treiber verweist. Sie können jetzt auch die Konfigurationsdatei modeprobe.d für jeden Treiber hinzufügen/ändern/löschen, ohne diese Datei auf Ihrem Flash-Laufwerk suchen zu müssen.

    Weitere Fehlerbehebungen und Verbesserungen

    • Diese Version behebt Eckfälle in Netzwerken, Libvirt, Docker, WireGuard, NTP, NGINX, NFS und RPC. Und beinhaltet eine Verbesserung des VM Managers, sodass dieser das VNC-Passwort während eines Updates behält.
    • Der Herunterfahrvorgang wurde geändert, damit das NUT-Plugin das System ordnungsgemäß herunterfahren kann.
    • Die Anzeigedauer der Benachrichtigung vor dem automatischen Schließen ist jetzt konfigurierbar (siehe Einstellungen > Benachrichtigungseinstellungen ).
    • Eine kleine Änderung besteht darin, dass Pakete in /boot/extra jetzt eher wie von Plugins installierte Pakete behandelt werden und die Installation im Syslog statt in der Konsole protokolliert wird.
    • Der Update OS-Prozess aktualisiert bei Bedarf automatisch das Plugin-Update-Helper-Skript.

    Änderungen gegenüber 6.12.3


    • create_network_ini:
      • DHCP-Hook behoben
      • verbesserte IP-Adresserfassung
    • Diagnostik:
      • Fügen Sie die vorherige Unraid-Version zur TXT-Datei der Diagnoseversion hinzu.
      • Fügen Sie ntp.conf, sshd.config und Servers.conf hinzu (mit anonymisierten URLs).
      • IP-Adressen anonymisieren
    • Docker:
      • Routing hinzufügen, wenn Shim- oder Macvtap-Netzwerk verwendet wird
      • Routing korrigieren, wenn „Hostzugriff“ aktiviert ist
      • IPv6 von der Shim/Vhost-Schnittstelle entfernen (einige Router sind inkompatibel)
    • libvirt, nginx, nfs, rpc: Erkennung laufender Prozesse geändert
    • nfsclient: Verhandlung mit v4 starten, atime-Änderung deaktivieren
    • rc.6: /usr und /lib während des Herunterfahrens gemountet lassen
    • rc.docker:
      • Erstellen Sie dasselbe IPv6-Netzwerk für Container und Dienste
      • Fügen Sie beim Stoppen von Docker mehr Protokollierung hinzu
    • rc.inet1:
      • Verwenden Sie für die Überbrückung nicht den Promiscuous-Modus
      • Persistente Option zu dhcpcd hinzufügen
    • rc.library: Schnittstellen immer in der gleichen Reihenfolge aufgelistet, Problem mit der Anzeige von IPv6 behoben
    • rc.libvirt: „itco“-Watchdog aus XML entfernen, falls vorhanden
    • rc.local: Kommentieren Sie die automatisch generierte Datei /etc/modprobe.d/zfs.conf
    • rc.services:
      • Protokollierung hinzufügen
      • Schließen Sie WireGuard-Tunnel „VPN-Tunnelzugriff für Docker“ aus den Diensten aus
      • WireGuard-Tunnel für NTP ausschließen (Codeoptimierung)


    • btrfs-progs: 6.3.3
    • Curl: Version 8.2.0 (CVE-2023-32001)
    • Firefox: Version 117.0.r20230824132758 (AppImage)
    • Kernel-Firmware: Version 20230724_59fbffa
    • krb5: Version 1.19.2 (CVE-2023-36054)
    • openssh: Version 9.3p2 (CVE-2023-38408)
    • openSL: Version 1.1.1v (CVE-2023-3817 CVE-2023-3446)
    • Samba: Version 4.17.10 (CVE-2023-3496 CVE-2022-2127 CVE-2023-34968 CVE-2023-3496 CVE-2023-3347)

    Linux- Kernel

    • Version 6.1.49 (CVE-2023-20593)
    • CONFIG_SCSI_MPI3MR: Broadcom MPI3-Speichercontroller-Gerätetreiber


    • Dashboard: ZFS-Leiste ausblenden, wenn kein ZFS verwendet wird
    • Docker-Einstellungen: Subnetzgrößen korrigieren
    • Feedback: Refactor-Feedback-Skript
    • Netzwerkeinstellungen: Fix DNS-Einstellungen verschwinden manchmal
    • Benachrichtigungen: Neue Benachrichtigungsoption: Zeit für automatisches Schließen, Standard ist 5 Sekunden
    • Pools: minimaler freier Speicherplatz: nur aktiviert, wenn das Array gestoppt ist
    • Anteile und Pools: Zeigen Sie „Mindestfreier Speicherplatz“ als absolute Zahl statt als Prozentsatz an
    • Systemtreiber: neue Seite
    • Übersetzungen: Trim-Schlüssel und -Wert in Sprachdateien
    • VM Manager: VNC-Passwort während der Aktualisierung beibehalten.
    • VM Manager: Heruntergeladene „.vv“-Dateien entfernen.
    • CSS: setze overflow-x auf „auto“
    • Monitor_nchan aktualisieren

    AVR: Denon2700H mit Polk Audio 7.1 System
    Media: 2x Shield 2019 Pro und 1x Intel® NUC-Kit NUC6CAYH sowie ein RasPi 4 und ein RasPi 3
    NAS: 1x Synology (DS418) / Eigenbau NAS (unRAID 6.11.5)
    Rechenknecht: Ryzen9 5900x, 32GB Ram, Nvidia RTX3060, Win10Pro 21H1 19043.1466

  • Version 6.12.5 2023-11-27

    Upgrade notes

    This release includes bug fixes and security updates. All users are encouraged to upgrade.

    Known issues

    There is a mitigation included for a ZFS Data Corruption issue. This is accomplished by including this option in the default /etc/modprobe.d/zfs.conf file:


    Please see the 6.12.0 release notes for general known issues.

    Rolling back

    If rolling back earlier than 6.12.4, also see the 6.12.4 release notes.

    Changes vs. 6.12.4

    Bug fixes and improvements

    • Replace very old 'MemTest86+' with Memtest86+ version: 6.20
    • When 'mirror syslog to flash' is enabled, view syslog-previous at Tools -> Syslog, and in diagnostics
    • Docker:
      • Docker containers were not always stopping, preventing docker from unmounting
      • Docker containers using IPv6 on custom networks were unable to start
    • emhttpd: if User Shares not enabled, update_cron was not called during array Start sequence
    • rc.nginx stop - force nginx to stop
    • shfs: Allocation method was not working correctly if 6 or more disks were specified in the 'include' mask
    • webgui:
      • Downgrade.php was not updated for 6.12
      • always show ipvlan / macvlan setting
    • ZFS: use 'zfs import -f' to ensure pools from other systems get imported
    • prevent auto-spindown of unformatted devices

    Package updates

    • curl: version 8.4.0 (CVE-2023-38546 CVE-2023-38545 CVE-2023-38039)
    • firefox: version 119.0.r20231106151204 (AppImage)
    • intel-microcode: version 20231114
    • kernel-firmware: 20231024_4ee0175
    • qemu: version 7.2.0
    • samba: version 4.17.12 (CVE-2023-3961 CVE-2023-4091 CVE-2023-4154 CVE-2023-42669 CVE-2023-42670)
    • smartmontools: version 7.4
    • zfs: version 2.1.13

    Linux kernel

    • version 6.1.63
    • CONFIG_NFS_V4_1: NFS client support for NFSv4.1
    • CONFIG_NFS_V4_1_MIGRATION: NFSv4.1 client support for migration
    • CONFIG_NFS_V4_2: NFS client support for NFSv4.2
    • CONFIG_NFS_V4_2_READ_PLUS: NFS: Enable support for the NFSv4.2 READ_PLUS operation
    • CONFIG_NFSD_V4_2_INTER_SSC: NFSv4.2 inter server to server COPY
  • Bitte auch diese Hinweise beim Upgrade beachten:


    Genau danach vorgegangen, alles läuft wieder einwandfrei. Danke für den Tipp.

    Spoiler anzeigen

    Client: Nvidia Shield 2019 Pro Kodi 20.1, AVR Sony STR-DN 1080, Nubert NuBox Series 5.1, LG TV 55SM8600 Nanocell
    Musik über Pi4 mit Picore 8 und LMS am AVR.
    Gästezimmer:Shield TV 2017 Kodi 20.1
    Server: unRaid; Fractal Des. Define 7;Asrock B365M PROF-4, Intel i3-8100, 16GB RAM und 20TB Platten,
    Arbeitstier: DeepSilence 4, AX370M, AMD Ryzen 5 2600X; 8GB RAM, Samsung M2 970EVO 500GB, RX560 Grafik

  • Version 6.12.6 2023-12-01

    Upgrade notes

    This release includes bug fixes and an important patch release of OpenZFS. All users are encouraged to upgrade.

    Known issues

    If you are using a Realtek 8125 2.5GbE NIC there is an issue with the 'stock' r8169 Linux driver that causes system hang if you enable jumbo frames. Either do not use jumbo frames or consider installing the Realtek vendor-supplied r8125 driver plugin. (FYI: the stock 'r8169' driver also handles the Realtek 8125 chip sets - there is no separate 'stock' r8125 driver, yes this is confusing).

    Please see the 6.12.0 release notes for general known issues.

    Rolling back

    If rolling back earlier than 6.12.4, also see the 6.12.4 release notes.

    Changes vs. 6.12.5

    Bug fixes and improvements

    • modprobe.d/zfs.conf: remove zfs_dmu_offset_next_sync=0 mitigation - no longer needed
    • network: Fix IPv6 static address assignment

    Package updates

    • nvme-cli: version 2.6
    • zfs: version 2.1.14

    Linux kernel

    • version 6.1.64
  • Changes vs. 6.12.7

    Fixed an issue related to upgrading from rc releases. 😬

    Changes vs. 6.12.6

    Bug Fixes and Improvements


    • Fix WG routes added to the correct interface (br0 or eth0 or bond0)
    • Use "lazy unmount" unmount of docker image to prevent blocking array stop
    • Updated to address multiple security issues (CVE-2024-21626, CVE-2024-24557)

    Networking improvements:

    • Boot faster by checking for carrier before assigning DHCP addresses
    • Remove leading zeros from IPv4 and IPv6 addresses
    • New '/etc/rc.d/rc.inet1 status' and '/etc/rc.d/rc.inet1 status ip' commands to aid with network troubleshooting from the command line

    Notifications: Add ntfy.sh to notification agents

    SMART improvements:

    • Fix NVME Selftest
    • Fix display of 'Accumulated power on time, hours:minutes xxxxx:yy' SMART attribute
    • Display KB/MB/GB/TB written in SMART Attributes for SSDs
    • Add 'SSD endurance remaining' SMART Attribute

    System logging:

    • By default, syslog is copied to USB boot flash on shutdown, see Settings > Syslog Server to disable.
    • Logs from the above and Mirror syslog to flash are now available the next boot on Tools > Syslog and in diagnostics.

    VM Manager: Fix for downgrade: if the VM template has been updated to the latest QEMU machine type, it will not be found upon downgrade. This change finds the latest current version for a given machine type.

    ZFS: Use the zpool import "-f" flag to permit the import of foreign zpools.


    • Enable EFI boot by default for fresh installations
    • Fix slowdown on Dashboard and Docker pages (and reduces flash device writes)
    • Formatting: do not initialize the device partition layout if it is already valid.
    • Update OS: redesigned Update OS and Downgrade OS pages, refer to blog post for more details.
    • Fix MacOS unable to write 'flash' share and restore Time Machine compatibility (fruit changes). If you have a current Time Machine share, it is recommended to delete and recreate the share.
    • Allow Community Apps (if installed) to automatically start containers when doing a multi-install
    • Feedback form: change the DONE button to CANCEL

    Package Updates

      • docker: version 24.0.9
      • kernel-firmware: version 20231226_abfcad8

    Linux kernel

    • version 6.1.74
      • CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_XR: USB MaxLinear/Exar USB to Serial driver
      • CONFIG_CAN: CAN bus subsystem support
      • CONFIG_CAN_NETLINK: CAN device drivers with Netlink support
      • CONFIG_CAN_GS_USB: Geschwister Schneider UG and candleLight compatible interfaces
      • CONFIG_SCSI_LPFC: Emulex LightPulse Fibre Channel Support

    Hinweise zum Upgrade:

    Unraid 6.12.8 Now Available
    Unraid 6.12.8 is now available for feedback and contains bug fixes and security updates.
  • Upgrade notes

    We highly recommend that all users upgrade to this release.

    Changes vs. 6.12.8

    Bug fixes and improvements


    • Ignore empty paths in the config file when adding or updating containers
    • Resolve certain issues in updating containers
    • Fix notifications when container updates are available

    Management Access page

    • Resolve the issue of displaying IPv6 URLs
    • Remove support for legacy 'unraid.net' SSL certificates, and remove "UpdateDNS"


    • Include a php error log to help with troubleshooting

    System Drivers:

    • resolve an issue with translations that prevented the page from displaying


    • Resolve issues with single or double quotes in the server description
    • Don't try to start the unraid-api if it isn't installed


    • Fix redirect error when changing server description or model in http only mode or when changing server name in either http or https mode.
    • Increased /run tmpfs size limit from 32M to 128M
    • Introduce a delay between creating the GPT partition table and telling the kernel to re-read to prevent the "device or resource busy" error
    • shfs: fix highwater allocation method in association with zfs volumes
    • nfs: ensure NFSv4 mounts enabled by default
    • Resolve various PHP warnings
    • Change the default time server for new installs to "time.google.com"

    Linux kernel

    • version 6.1.82

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    Known issues

    Out-of-date plugins

    Out-of-date plugins can cause problems; we recommend they be kept current.

    Call traces and crashes related to macvlan

    If you are getting call traces related to macvlan (or any unexplained crashes, really), as a first step we recommend navigating to Settings > Docker, switching to advanced view, and changing the Docker custom network type from macvlan to ipvlan. This is the default configuration that Unraid has shipped with since version 6.11.5 and should work for most systems.

    Note that some users have reported issues with port forwarding from certain routers (Fritzbox) and reduced functionality with advanced network management tools (Ubiquity) when in ipvlan mode. If this affects you, see the alternate solution available since Unraid 6.12.4.

    Network problems due to jumbo frames

    If you are having network issues of any kind, confirm that you have not enabled jumbo frames. Navigate to Settings > Network Settings > eth0 and confirm the Desired MTU is 1500. For more information see the Fix Common Problems warning for jumbo frames.

    Problems due to Realtek network cards

    Upgraded kernel fixes the deadlock issue with jumbo frames and the in-tree Realtek 8125 driver. However, we still recommend following the advice above regarding jumbo frames.

    If you continue to have network stability issues and Tools > System Devices shows that you have a Realtek ethernet controller, grab the part number shown and search Community Apps to see if there is a Realtek vendor-supplied driver plugin for that device. For more information, see the support page for Realtek driver plugins.

    Other issues?

    We highly recommend installing the Fix Common Problems plugin as it will warn you of common configuration problems.

    If you are having other crashes or stability issues, navigate to Settings > Syslog Server and enable Mirror syslog to flash. This will cause additional wear and tear on you USB flash boot device but is useful in the short term for gathering logs after a crash.

    After the next reboot, navigate to Tools > Diagnostics and download your anonymized diagnostics (as of 6.12.5, diagnostics automatically include logs that were mirrored to the flash drive).

    Finally, start a new topic under General Support and provide all the details of the issue. Once the issue is resolved, be sure to disable Mirror syslog to flash.

    Rolling back

    The functionality of "Docker Patch 6.12.8" is now built in to Unraid. If you rollback to 6.12.8 you may want to reinstall that plugin.

    If rolling back earlier than 6.12.8, also see the 6.12.8 release notes.

  • Version 6.12.10 2024-04-03

    Upgrade notes

    This release reverts to an earlier version of the Linux kernel to resolve two issues being reported in 6.12.9. It also includes a 'curl' security update and corner case bug fix.

    Note: Unraid OS v6.12.x and all earlier versions are not vulnerable to the xz backdoor CVE-2024-3094.

    Known issues

    Out of date plugins

    Out of date plugins can cause problems, we recommend they be kept current.

    Call traces and crashes related to macvlan

    If you are getting call traces related to macvlan (or any unexplained crashes, really), as a first step we recommend navigating to Settings > Docker, switching to advanced view, and changing the Docker custom network type from macvlan to ipvlan. This is the default configuration that Unraid has shipped with since version 6.11.5 and should work for most systems.

    Note that some users have reported issues with port forwarding from certain routers (Fritzbox) and reduced functionality with advanced network management tools (Ubiquity) when in ipvlan mode. If this affects you, see the alternate solution available since Unraid 6.12.4.

    Network problems due to jumbo frames

    If you are having network issues of any kind, confirm that you have not enabled jumbo frames. Navigate to Settings > Network Settings > eth0 and confirm the Desired MTU is 1500. For more information see the Fix Common Problems warning for jumbo frames.

    Problems due to Realtek network cards

    Upgraded kernel fixes the deadlock issue with jumbo frames and the in-tree Realtek 8125 driver. However, we still recommend following the advice above regarding jumbo frames.

    If you continue to have network stability issues and Tools > System Devices shows that you have a Realtek ethernet controller, grab the part number shown and search Community Apps to see if there is a Realtek vendor-supplied driver plugin for that device. For more information, see the support page for Realtek driver plugins.

    Other issues?

    We highly recommend installing the Fix Common Problems plugin as it will warn you of common configuration problems.

    If you are having other crashes or stability issues, navigate to Settings > Syslog Server and enable Mirror syslog to flash. This will cause additional wear and tear on you USB flash boot device but is useful in the short term for gathering logs after a crash.

    After the next reboot, navigate to Tools > Diagnostics and download your anonymized diagnostics (as of 6.12.5, diagnostics automatically include logs that were mirrored to the flash drive).

    Finally, start a new topic under General Support and provide all the details of the issue. Once the issue is resolved, be sure to disable Mirror syslog to flash.

    Rolling back

    If rolling back earlier than 6.12.9, also see the 6.12.9 release notes.

    Changes vs. 6.12.9

    Bug fixes and improvements

    • Resolve issues mounting remote SMB shares via the Unassigned Devices plugin.
    • Resolve issues with certain Asmedia controllers not seeing all the attached devices.
    • nfs: (revert) NFSv4 mounts by default
    • zfs: Detect if insufficient pools slots are defined for an imported pool with a missing device.
    • Fix translations issue with SystemDrivers

    Linux kernel

    • version 6.1.79

    Base distro

    • curl: version: 8.7.1 (CVE-2024-2466 CVE-2024-2398 CVE-2024-2379 CVE-2024-2004)
  • Die Unraid 7 Release rückt näher. Ist jetzt Beta 2.

    Hat die schon einer im Einsatz?

    Spoiler anzeigen

    Client: Nvidia Shield 2019 Pro Kodi 20.1, AVR Sony STR-DN 1080, Nubert NuBox Series 5.1, LG TV 55SM8600 Nanocell
    Musik über Pi4 mit Picore 8 und LMS am AVR.
    Gästezimmer:Shield TV 2017 Kodi 20.1
    Server: unRaid; Fractal Des. Define 7;Asrock B365M PROF-4, Intel i3-8100, 16GB RAM und 20TB Platten,
    Arbeitstier: DeepSilence 4, AX370M, AMD Ryzen 5 2600X; 8GB RAM, Samsung M2 970EVO 500GB, RX560 Grafik

  • Ja, ich. Bisher nur einiges unter der Haube. ZFS wurde updated, den Pool Upgrade muss man dann aber selber machen. Trotzdem läuft noch alles wie vorher. Ich selber nutze BTRFS und ZFS nur auf dem Cache Drive.
    Im Array Menü haben sie nun Tabs anstatt alles auf einer Seite.

    Dann gabs noch einige Fixes für die VM Anzeige. Da scheint es noch schlecht als Recht zu gehen. Die Maus wird regelmäßig erst zu spät gefangen im VM Fenster.

    Grundsätzlich ist das Upgrade Prozedere nun anders. Es erfolgt auch erst ein Check ob alles Kompatibel ist.

    Guides nicht mehr verfügbar wegen Youtube unvermögen guten von schlechten Kodi Videos zu unterscheiden.

  • Version 6.12.11 2024-07-16

    Upgrade notes

    These release has some nice bug fixes backported from our work on Unraid 7, along with a security fix for OpenSSH and updates to the Linux kernel and OpenZFS.

    Known issues

    Out of date plugins

    Out of date plugins can cause problems, we recommend they be kept current.

    Docker fork bomb

    A broken or maliciious Docker container can use all available Process IDs on the system, leading to instability. We are testing a fix in Unraid 7 and will backport it to a future release of 6.12. If you suspect you are affected by this, a workaround is to limit the number of PIDs a container can use by adding --pids-limit 2048 to the Docker template Extra Parameters setting.

    Call traces and crashes related to macvlan

    If you are getting call traces related to macvlan (or any unexplained crashes, really), as a first step we recommend navigating to Settings > Docker, switching to advanced view, and changing the Docker custom network type from macvlan to ipvlan. This is the default configuration that Unraid has shipped with since version 6.11.5 and should work for most systems.

    Note that some users have reported issues with port forwarding from certain routers (Fritzbox) and reduced functionality with advanced network management tools (Ubiquity) when in ipvlan mode. If this affects you, see the alternate solution available since Unraid 6.12.4.

    Network problems due to jumbo frames

    If you are having network issues of any kind, confirm that you have not enabled jumbo frames. Navigate to Settings > Network Settings > eth0 and confirm the Desired MTU is 1500. For more information see the Fix Common Problems warning for jumbo frames.

    Problems due to Realtek network cards

    Upgraded kernel fixes the deadlock issue with jumbo frames and the in-tree Realtek 8125 driver. However, we still recommend following the advice above regarding jumbo frames.

    If you continue to have network stability issues and Tools > System Devices shows that you have a Realtek ethernet controller, grab the part number shown and search Community Apps to see if there is a Realtek vendor-supplied driver plugin for that device. For more information, see the support page for Realtek driver plugins.

    Other issues?

    We highly recommend installing the Fix Common Problems plugin as it will warn you of common configuration problems.

    If you are having other crashes or stability issues, navigate to Settings > Syslog Server and enable Mirror syslog to flash. This will cause additional wear and tear on you USB flash boot device but is useful in the short term for gathering logs after a crash.

    After the next reboot, navigate to Tools > Diagnostics and download your anonymized diagnostics (as of 6.12.5, diagnostics automatically include logs that were mirrored to the flash drive).

    Finally, start a new topic under General Support and provide all the details of the issue. Once the issue is resolved, be sure to disable Mirror syslog to flash.

    Rolling back

    If rolling back earlier than 6.12.10, also see the 6.12.10 release notes.

    Changes vs. 6.12.10

    Bug fixes and improvements

    • Fix Error 500 on login
    • Dashboard
      • Fix tile management showing a blank dialog
      • Clean up visibility cookies left in malformed state
    • VMs
      • Fix changing from bridge value does not update VMs with more than one NIC and the VM Fails to start
      • Fix removing gpu and adding virtual can result in no output
    • Make trim consistent between "trim now" and cron job

    Linux kernel

    • version 6.1.99
    • zfs: version 2.1.15

    Base distro

    • openssh: version 9.8p1 (CVE-2024-6387)
  • UnRaid 6.12.13


    This is a quick release that updates the Linux kernel to correct a regression where some HDD devices could not be spun-down.

    This announce post is perfect for quick questions or comments, but if you suspect there will be back and forth for your specific issue, please start a new topic under General Support. Be sure to include your diagnostics.zip.

    Upgrade steps for this release

    1. Read the release notes.
    2. As always, prior to upgrading, create a backup of your USB flash device: "Main/Flash/Flash Device Settings" - click "Flash Backup".
    3. Update all of your plugins. This is critical for the Connect, NVIDIA and Realtek plugins in particular.
    4. If the system is currently running 6.12.0 - 6.12.6, we're going to suggest that you stop the array at this point. If it gets stuck on "Retry unmounting shares", open a web terminal and type:

      umount /var/lib/docker

      The array should now stop successfully

    5. If you have a recent release or Unraid Connect installed
      1. Open the dropdown in the top-right of the Unraid webgui and click Check for Update. More details in this blog post
    6. If you are on an earlier version
      1. Go to Tools -> Update OS and switch to the "Stable" branch if needed. If the update doesn't show, click "Check for Updates"
    7. Wait for the update to download and install
    8. If you have any plugins that install 3rd party drivers (NVIDIA, Realtek, etc), wait for the notification that the new version of the driver has been downloaded.
    9. Reboot

    This announce post is perfect for quick questions or comments, but if you suspect there will be back and forth for your specific issue, please start a new topic under General Support. Be sure to include your diagnostics.zip.

  • Und mal wieder ein neuer Beta-Release. 7.0.0-beta.3


    Unraid 7.0.0-beta.3 Changes


    Other changes [-beta.3]

    • Fix parity-swap case where partition 1 of the target device is missing.
    • Fix: Deleting a share does not remove it from SMB and NFS
    • Fix: mover schedule deleted if no array disks
    • Array Operation page:
      • Include subpool devices in the list of devices to be formatted when appropriate
    • Device Info page:
      • Prevent reducing pool slot count
      • Permit changing pool file system type only when Stopped
      • Add "Delete Pool" button, which unassigns all devices of a pool and then removes the pool
      • Change the button label "Erase" to "Erase Pool"
    • Disk Settings: Change default file system text.
    • ShareEdit: Fix condition where useCache is 'no' when there is no array.
    • Main page:
      • Display warning alongside replacement and expansion devices on Main if they will be initialized
      • Fix: GUI allows adding a smaller device to a single zfs pool

    VM Manager

    • Fix: AddVM & UpdateVM icon selection styles
    • Fix: Issue with VM Template formatting for other PCI
    • Fix: VPN Manager not showing tunnel status
    • Fix: VM Template formatting for PCI others
    • VM Usage stats: Fix memory details
      • Three columns now: inuse/current/maximum
    • Fix delete VM if in a dataset.
    • Fix Audio and PCI for Multifunction.
    • Make VM Settings work with grub
    • Check that VM name does not include characters that are not valid for ZFS.
    • Add Unmap Support
    • Fix ZFS lookup.
    • Allow spaces in check on VM name if on ZFS.
    • Add log for removing data set.
    • Fix VM usage stats value if timer > 1 sec.
    • Add a log line noting how long we currently wait for a VM action.
    • VM ZFS dataset removal processing additional fixes


    • Docker: Add IPV6_FORWARD to rc.docker and set it to ACCEPT instead of DROP
    • Docker: overlay2 storage driver support
      • Change the default to overlay2; Set default backingfs type to native for existing installations
      • Add WebUI option for overlay2
    • Network info display improvements
    • Make sure not to show internal IP from stopped containers
    • Docker Manager:
      • Allow users to select Container networks in the WebUI
      • Correctly identify/show non dockerman Managed containers
      • Fix: Container device not showing in Dockerman.
      • Fix for 3rd party containers orange text "not available" to use the default text colour.
      • Fix: device mappings not shown correctly
      • Fix: Correctly identify/show non dockerman Managed containers
    • rc.docker:
      • Fix handle interfaces with a higher index than 0
      • Only stop Unraid managed containers
      • Don't kill containers since Docker will kill them if they won't stop after the set timeout when the daemon is stopping
      • Increase timeout for daemon to die to 30 seconds (seems a bit short if 3rd party containers are installed)
      • Rephrase message for daemon to die and display it only once
      • Honor restart policy from 3rd party containers


    Tailscale integration [-beta.3]

    Unraid OS supports Tailscale through the use of a plugin created by Community Developer EDACerton. When this plugin is installed, Tailscale certificates are supported for https webGUI access, and the Tailnet URLs will be displayed on the Management Access page.

    Refer to this document for an introduction to using Tailscale with Unraid.

    Support iframing the webGUI [-beta.3]

    Added "Content-Security-Policy frame-ancestors" support to allow the webGUI to be iframed by domains it has certificates for. It isn't exactly supported, but additional customization is possible by using a script to modify NGINX_CUSTOMFA in /etc/defaults/nginx

    Other changes [-beta.3]

    • Routing Table: show routes from all routing tables, not just default.


    • Don't restore Favorites until all plugins have been installed
    • File Manager: Allow UD disks to be accessed
    • UserEdit: in addition to Ed25519, FIDO/U2F Ed25519, and RSA, support SSH key types DSA, ECDSA, and FIDO/U2F ECDSA
    • Fix: PHP settings: fix inconsistent PHP error reporting defaults
    • OpenTerminal: use shell defined for root user in /etc/passwd file
    • Device Info: Add warning message to rename pool dialog that share storage may need to be reviewed.
    • Share List
      • Display the warning icon on the Share List if there is a storage misconfiguration.
      • Sort users in natural order on Shares page
    • Management Access: Add support for Tailscale certs in the webgui
    • Fix: replace document.write() usages
    • update.php:
      • add two optional methods to define defaults
      • update.php: release file pointer after usage

    Miscellaneous Improvements

    • Fix broken "show_interface" script
    • Use "go links" when linking to Docs
    • Linux kernel: force all buggy Seagate external USB enclosures to bind to usb-storage instead of UAS driver
    • Startup improvements in rc.S script:
      • Automatically repair boot sector backup
      • Explicitly unmount all file systems if cannot continue boot
      • Detect bad root value in syslinux.cfg
      • reboot should not invoke shutdown
      • Clean up empty cgroups
    • Fix UPS settings page when config contains empty values
    • Samba smb.conf: set "nmbd bind explicit broadcast = no" if NetBIOS enabled
    • Fix: Saving routes only works in English
    • Remove deprecated /etc/apcupsd/doshutdown script
    • make_bootable_linux: version 1.4
      • detect if mtools is installed
    • rc.ntpd - ntpd_update: upon network change always return 'update needed' - subsequent reload stops ntp complaining when multiple interfaces have the same IP address (such as shim-br0).
    • Fix issue with plugin icons: make sure the maximum icon size for a plugin is 18x18px
    • Add fastcgi_path_info to default nginx configuration rc.nginx:
      • Add support for Tailscale certs
      • Improved "Content-Security-Policy frame-ancestors" support
      • define CUSTOMFA in /etc/defaults/nginx
    • rc.sshd: Only kill host sshd processes (ie, do not kill sshd running in containers)

    Linux kernel

    • version 6.6.52

    Guides nicht mehr verfügbar wegen Youtube unvermögen guten von schlechten Kodi Videos zu unterscheiden.

  • Version 6.12.14 2024-11-26

    Changes vs. 6.12.13

    This release includes important bug fixes and security updates.


    Update Notes

    New Windows changes may result in loss of access to Public shares

    Due to recent security changes in Windows, "guest" access of Unraid Public shares may not work. The easiest way around this is to create a user in Unraid with the same name as the Windows account you are using to connect. If the Unraid user password is not the same as the Windows account password, Windows will prompt for credentials.

    If you are using a Microsoft account, it may be better to create a user in Unraid with a simple username, set a password, then in Windows go to Control Panel -> Credential Manager -> Windows credentials -> Add a Windows Credential and add the correct Unraid server name and credentials.

    Alternately you can re-enable Windows guest fallback (not recommended).

    Bug fixes and improvements

    • emhttpd: Fix swap-disable operation not properly clearing remaining space on target
    • ShareList: present indicator when a share primary pool is invalid, for example, has been renamed or deleted.
    • ShareEdit: warn user that renaming a pool could affect shares which use that pool.
    • DiskSettings: clarify that "default file system" applies to unRAID array disks.
    • Remove ps.txt from diagnostics so as not to expose container VPN credentials.
    • Add security warnings about Windows Server signing.
    • Update Feedback form and require email address
    • Fixed link to apcupsd manual on Settings > UPS Settings page
    • Fixed link to btrfs man-page in Help text
    • rc.docker - Make sure that custom interfaces with a higher index then 0 are properly rebuilt
    • rc.rsyslogd: use pgrep, killall with PID namespace.
    • webGUI: improved handling of http query parameters

    Linux kernel

    • version 6.1.118

    Base distro

    • firefox: version 132.0.r20241110231641 (AppImage) (CVE-2024-11691 - 11699)
    • intel-microcode: version 20241112
    • libssh: version 0.10.6
    • libssh2: version 1.11.1 (CVE-2023-48795)
    • openssl: version 1.1.1zb (CVE-2024-9143)
    • php: version 8.2.26 Multiple CVE
    • samba: version 4.19.9 (CVE-2018-14628)
    • wget: version 1.25.0 (CVE-2024-10524)
  • Version 7.0.0 2025-01-09

    So die 7.0 ist draussen, für das Changelog folgt bitte dem Link oben, der ist nämlich extrem umfangreich.

    Zwei potentielle Showstopper die ich in den Release Notes entdeckt habe:

    Drive spindown issues

    Drives may not spin down when connected to older Marvell drive controllers that use the sata_mv driver (i.e. Supermicro SASLP and SAS2LP) or to older Intel controllers (i.e. ICH7-ICH10). This may be resolved by a future kernel update

    Problems due to Realtek network cards

    There have been multiple reports of issues with the Realtek driver plugin after upgrading to recent kernels. You may want to preemptively uninstall it before upgrading, or remove it afterwards if you have networking issues.

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