ZitatVersion 0.0.9
- adjusted time intervals to be more aggressive if video is not playing
- corrected bug in title checking

Trakt Add-On v0.0.9 *update*
Mittlerweile gibt es schon v0.9. Das Add-on wird immer besser und besser!
Version 0.0.8
- added Dutch translation thanks to IIINeOIIINL!
- fixed bug sending movie data (still pre-emptive, but coming soon)
- sha1'd passwordVersion 0.0.7
- fixed double submit
- added error handling for bad user/pass
- fixed unicode issue with special characters in show name
- added German translation thanks to BurningSky!
- corrected tvdb id send
- changed os.getcwd() to getAddonInfo('path')
- instruction in addon xml
- extended check time to 164 seconds (minimum needed for 20 minute shows)Version 0.0.6
- added icon to notifications
- now sending video progress % to api
- cached imdb id for movies
- tvdb id now sent to api
- changed url to post to (legacy support will remain for a while)
Version 0.0.5
- startup notification now follows notification setting
- text fix on the settings menu
- added this changelog!Version 0.0.4
- initial public release -
Hey guys, just so you know, we're in the middle of a server move. We moved the api first so we don't lose any submissions, and now we're waiting for DNS to switch over and images to transfer. Hopefully this will all be done in the next few hours.
The gist: don't be worried if you look at trakt.tv in the next couple hours and don't see anything showing up.
[quelle]http://forum.xbmc.org/showpost.php?p=685088&postcount=362[/quelle] -
Jetzt mitmachen!
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