Um das zu vervollständigen, ist hier mein Skript für die Einrichtung von TVH und easyepg im Docker. Vielleicht ist das ja auch für den ein oder anderen nützlich. Ich werde den TVH Teil noch mal überarbeiten, weil ich festgestellt habe, dass der Setup Wizard mir nicht taugt. Wenn ich das noch mal mache, dann mache ich das manuell von scratch.
### TVHeadend ###
1. Create a folder for the config in this example for libreELEC /storage/docker/tvheadend and a folder for the guide.xml /storage/docker/tvheadend/data
2. Create TVHeadend container. UID=0 and GID=0 are the root on the libreelec machine whom belongs the folders.
docker create \
--name=tvheadend \
--net=host \
-e PUID=0 \
-e PGID=0 \
-e TZ=Europe/Berlin \
-v /storage/docker/tvheadend:/config \
-v /storage/recordings:/recordings \
--device /dev/dvb:/dev/dvb \
--restart unless-stopped \
3. Start container with `$ docker start tvheadend`.
4. In Firefox visit <Server-IP>:9981
5. Go to Configuration -> General -> Base and start the Wizard.
6. Select "German" as language and set EPG language order.
7. Enter <homenetwork> and credentials for admin and user.
8. Select "DVB-T Netzwerk" at all DVB-T tuners. Select "IPTV Automatisches Netzwerk" for IPTV #1.
9. Select "Germany: de-Sachsen" for DVB-T and paste "" to Network 2 URL.
10. Wait for Scan to be done.
11. Don't map channels automatically and finish the setup.
12. Go to Konfiguration -> Allgemein -> Basis and set Default view level to Experte
13. Most likely DVB Muxes are crap and you can delete them under Konfiguration -> DVB-Inputs -> Muxes. Add Muxes. Select DVB-T2, 8MHz Bandwidth, and QAM/AUTO. For 594000000, 578000000, and 618000000 MHZ.
14. In Services select all desired channels and click on Ausgewählte zuordnen. Leave settings as is.
15. Under Konfiguration -> Kanal/EPG -> Kanäle define Channel Numbers as desired.
16. Got to EPG-Grabber-Module and activate Intern: XMLTV: WebGrab+Plus and rerun internal Grabber.
17. Go to Channels edit Channels and uncheck automatic EPG selection and select desired EPG-Channel.
### easyEPG ###
1. Create a folder for the config and data in this example for my libreELEC /storage/docker/easyepg
2. Create easyEPG container from mod242. UID=0 and GID=0 are the root on the libreelec machine whom belongs the folders.
docker create \
--name=easyepg \
-e PUID=0 \
-e PGID=0 \
-e TZ=Europe/Berlin \
-v /storage/docker/easyepg:/easyepg \
-v /storage/docker/tvheadend/data:/easyepg/xml \
--restart unless-stopped \
3. Start container with `$ docker start tvheadend`.
4. Enter the container with `$ docker exec -it easyepg /bin/bash`.
5. `$ cd easyepg` and `$ bash`
6. Menu is really selfexplaining. Select "ADD Grabber Instance" and select Horizon, German and select all desired channels with enter. The rest can stay unchanged. Select "Continue in Grabber Mode".
7. `$ crontab -e` and set time as desired.
8. Exit the container and run `$ docker restart easyepg`.
Alles anzeigen
Ach ja, Feedback ist gerne willkommen, sollte eine Einstellung suboptimal sein. Gerade bei den Tunereinstellungen, war ich nicht hundert Prozent sicher, aber das läuft.