Schnelle Hilfe!Mein Firestick scheint sich selbst abgewischt zu haben (das interessiert mich im Moment nicht). Kann jemand ein anständiges TV-Addon für Kodi empfehlen? Ich würde den Laptop benutzen, aber zu viel Mühe lol.Egal, was es ist, solange ich Wikinger und Luzifer beobachten kann. Danke im Voraus.
Amazon Firestick "wiped"
DonaldS -
12. Januar 2018 um 13:26 -
Verkauft Amazon die Dinger mittlerweile mit Selbstreinigungsfunktion?
Native English speaker?
Yeah! Can I ask my communicate in English on this forum?
Thanks in Advance.
Yeah! Can I ask my communicate in English on this forum?
In this case I think it's much more easy to do this in English.
Regarding TV Addons you can have a look at the official Kodi Video Addons:
Or use IPTV Simple with our m3u of legally available TV streams: Kodinerds IPTV - Fertige Liste mit freien IPTV-Kanälen
Google translator might come in handy for our posts that are in German language.Anything that violates Copyrights (e. g. uses of illegal IPTV streams / watching Sky, Netflix or other VOD services for free without a valid subscription / etc.) will not be supported in this forum.
Best regards.
I adapted the threads' title so it gets more readable.
Thanks a lot. At first I thought that German is mandatory. That's why I used translator. But Thanks a lot that you found out and helped me out with this.
Jetzt mitmachen!
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