Problem InfoLabel "ListItem.Tag" not working

  • I'm reading lot in kodi forum but usually not a forum poster.
    I'm no coder, have no experience with anything, all i do is lots of hours try and error prinzip cause i'm huge fan of kodi.

    I want to show movies with "Academy Award Best Picture" is showing an Oscar Statue Picture.
    The Movies are tagged "award", the award.png Picture path is set, Code in the "Skin View.xml" is also set.

    I tried all variations of the code line "<visible></visible>" (String conditions, brackets, spelling... tried all)
    Definitely sure that this line is the only problem, in all variations i tried there are 2 resustls:
    1) The award.png is shown i every Movie
    2) The award.png is shown i no Movie

    But the goal is to show the award.png only in tagged movies "award".
    In the kodi developers guide under InfoLabels there is definitely a description that kodi Tags could be used as InfoLabel and could also set under a "visible" condition:-> "ListItem.Tag:Will return the name of the 'tag' this movie is part of."
    But nothing works, please Help.

    My Actual Code is:

    <control type="image">

  • Das war bestimmt ein vesehen und er hat uns verwechselt;).
    Ich hab auch keine Ahnung von dem Script und nehm auch Ansich nichts das selber settings in die Skinsettings schreibt die ich gar nicht haben will oder brauche.

    The visible looks correct. When the Texturepath is correct and it comes without a visible, I have no idea.
    Substrings or String.Contains dosent work with all Property. I Think depending on the "creation" some work, others dont work.

    I would try it without a visible like the flagging textures.
    This should work with one library tag per film/tvhow.

    <control type="image">

    "Makes" a texture "C:\Users\chris\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\media\resources\award.png" when your tag is "award". without or another tag it doesent finds a image the Path is empty and nothing is displayed.


Jetzt mitmachen!

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