habe mir das Addon installiert. Klappte alles soweit, Anmeldung läuft, sehe auch die einzelnen Bibliotheken.
Öffne ich eine, ist diese leer. Keine Filme drin.
Nutze einen Raspi3.
Auf dem Server ist soweit alles da, spricht in der WebGUI vom Emby-Server sehe ich alle Filme.
Hier mal was aus der LOG
17:39:38.625 T:1326441376 NOTICE: EMBY.objects.tvshows -> UPDATE episode itemid: bd5dc0e84d831ab28fa42e9ef50dafe8 - Title: Pippi auf großer Ballonfahrt
17:39:38.640 T:1326441376 NOTICE: EMBY.objects.tvshows -> episodeid: 238 fileid: 300 pathid: 9
17:39:38.642 T:1326441376 NOTICE: EMBY.objects.tvshows -> UPDATE episode itemid: 04bec86f68b3142b865797a97e75c76c - Title: Pippi und die Flaschenpost
17:39:38.657 T:1326441376 NOTICE: EMBY.objects.tvshows -> episodeid: 239 fileid: 301 pathid: 9
17:39:38.661 T:1326441376 NOTICE: EMBY.objects.tvshows -> UPDATE episode itemid: b0a83eab6464f35e0d0acd6d0cc76030 - Title: Pippis Abschiedsfest
17:39:38.678 T:1326441376 NOTICE: EMBY.objects.tvshows -> episodeid: 240 fileid: 302 pathid: 9
17:39:38.680 T:1326441376 NOTICE: EMBY.objects.tvshows -> UPDATE episode itemid: d7ed86820994cfcb799e95f9419550ba - Title: Pippi geht an Bord der Hoppetosse
17:39:38.697 T:1326441376 NOTICE: EMBY.librarysync -> SyncDatabase (finished tvshows in: 0:00:15)
17:39:38.698 T:1326441376 NOTICE: EMBY.database -> number of rows updated: 7170
17:39:38.987 T:1326441376 NOTICE: EMBY.database -> commit: /storage/.kodi/userdata/profiles/FSK0/Database/MyVideos107.db
17:39:38.988 T:1326441376 NOTICE: EMBY.database -> closing: /storage/.kodi/userdata/profiles/FSK0/Database/MyVideos107.db - 1479147056
17:39:38.991 T:1326441376 NOTICE: EMBY.database -> number of rows updated: 571
17:39:39.019 T:1326441376 NOTICE: EMBY.database -> commit: /storage/.kodi/userdata/profiles/FSK0/Database/emby.db
17:39:39.019 T:1326441376 NOTICE: EMBY.database -> closing: /storage/.kodi/userdata/profiles/FSK0/Database/emby.db - 1479146624
17:39:39.026 T:1326441376 NOTICE: EMBY.database -> opened: /storage/.kodi/userdata/profiles/FSK0/Database/emby.db - 1479225520
17:39:39.027 T:1326441376 NOTICE: EMBY.database -> Verifying emby DB
17:39:39.030 T:1326441376 NOTICE: EMBY.database -> number of rows updated: 2
17:39:39.040 T:1326441376 NOTICE: EMBY.database -> commit: /storage/.kodi/userdata/profiles/FSK0/Database/emby.db
17:39:39.040 T:1326441376 NOTICE: EMBY.database -> closing: /storage/.kodi/userdata/profiles/FSK0/Database/emby.db - 1479225520
17:39:39.057 T:1326441376 NOTICE: EMBY.librarysync -> New sync time: client time -2 min: 2017-10-11T15:37:39Z
17:39:39.073 T:1326441376 NOTICE: EMBY.utils -> Toggling screensaver: screensaver.atv4 {u'jsonrpc': u'2.0', u'id': 1, u'result': True}
17:39:39.075 T:1326441376 NOTICE: EMBY.default -> plugin.video.emby stopped
17:39:39.270 T:1326441376 WARNING: CPythonInvoker(17, /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.emby/default.py): the python script "/storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.emby/default.py" has left several classes in memory that we couldn't clean up. The classes include: N9XBMCAddon9xbmcaddon5AddonE,N9XBMCAddon4xbmc7MonitorE,N9XBMCAddon9xbmcaddon5AddonE
17:39:39.274 T:1945739264 ERROR: GetDirectory - Error getting plugin://plugin.video.emby/?mode=repair
17:39:39.293 T:1945739264 ERROR: CGUIMediaWindow::GetDirectory(plugin://plugin.video.emby/?mode=repair) failed
17:39:39.454 T:1318052768 NOTICE: VideoInfoScanner: Starting scan ..
17:39:39.495 T:1717564320 NOTICE: EMBY.kodimonitor -> Method: VideoLibrary.OnScanStarted Data: null
17:40:11.716 T:1734341536 WARNING: CPVRRecording::CPVRRecording - unable to determine channel type. Defaulting to TV.
17:40:18.676 T:1945739264 WARNING: Previous line repeats 13 times.
17:40:18.677 T:1945739264 ERROR: Control 81 in window 10025 has been asked to focus, but it can't
17:40:24.229 T:1339028384 ERROR: Previous line repeats 1 times.
17:40:24.229 T:1339028384 NOTICE: EMBY.default -> plugin.video.emby started
17:40:24.229 T:1339028384 NOTICE: EMBY.default -> Parameter string: params: {}
17:40:24.476 T:1339028384 NOTICE: EMBY.default -> plugin.video.emby stopped
17:40:24.699 T:1339028384 WARNING: CPythonInvoker(18, /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.emby/default.py): the python script "/storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.emby/default.py" has left several classes in memory that we couldn't clean up. The classes include: N9XBMCAddon9xbmcaddon5AddonE
17:40:29.749 T:1318052768 NOTICE: VideoInfoScanner: Finished scan. Scanning for video info took 00:50
17:40:29.892 T:1717564320 NOTICE: EMBY.kodimonitor -> Method: VideoLibrary.OnScanFinished Data: null
17:41:11.536 T:1406137248 NOTICE: EMBY.default -> plugin.video.emby started
17:41:11.537 T:1406137248 NOTICE: EMBY.default -> Parameter string: ?mode=thememedia params: {'mode': ['thememedia']}
17:41:16.541 T:1406137248 NOTICE: EMBY.default -> plugin.video.emby stopped
17:41:16.722 T:1406137248 WARNING: CPythonInvoker(19, /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.emby/default.py): the python script "/storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.emby/default.py" has left several classes in memory that we couldn't clean up. The classes include: N9XBMCAddon9xbmcaddon5AddonE
17:41:16.725 T:1945739264 ERROR: GetDirectory - Error getting plugin://plugin.video.emby/?mode=thememedia
17:41:16.748 T:1945739264 ERROR: CGUIMediaWindow::GetDirectory(plugin://plugin.video.emby/?mode=thememedia) failed
17:41:18.071 T:1318052768 ERROR: Unable to find plugin
17:41:18.071 T:1945739264 ERROR: GetDirectory - Error getting plugin://
17:41:18.099 T:1945739264 ERROR: CGUIMediaWindow::GetDirectory(plugin://) failed
17:42:06.454 T:1945739264 NOTICE: Samba is idle. Closing the remaining connections
17:42:16.915 T:1734341536 WARNING: CPVRRecording::CPVRRecording - unable to determine channel type. Defaulting to TV.
17:42:18.111 T:1509159840 WARNING: Previous line repeats 13 times.
17:42:18.111 T:1509159840 NOTICE: EMBY.default -> plugin.video.emby started
17:42:18.111 T:1509159840 NOTICE: EMBY.default -> Parameter string: ?content_type=video params: {'content_type': ['video']}
17:42:18.253 T:1509159840 NOTICE: EMBY.default -> plugin.video.emby stopped
17:42:18.455 T:1509159840 WARNING: CPythonInvoker(20, /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.emby/default.py): the python script "/storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.emby/default.py" has left several classes in memory that we couldn't clean up. The classes include: N9XBMCAddon9xbmcaddon5AddonE
17:42:32.084 T:1326441376 NOTICE: EMBY.default -> plugin.video.emby started
17:42:32.085 T:1326441376 NOTICE: EMBY.default -> Parameter string: ?content_type=video params: {'content_type': ['video']}
17:42:32.223 T:1326441376 NOTICE: EMBY.default -> plugin.video.emby stopped
17:42:32.428 T:1326441376 WARNING: CPythonInvoker(21, /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.emby/default.py): the python script "/storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.emby/default.py" has left several classes in memory that we couldn't clean up. The classes include: N9XBMCAddon9xbmcaddon5AddonE
17:42:45.571 T:1717564320 NOTICE: EMBY.kodimonitor -> Method: Input.OnInputRequested Data: {"title":"Bitte eine neue Bezeichnung eingeben","type":"keyboard","value":""}
17:42:58.484 T:1717564320 NOTICE: EMBY.kodimonitor -> Method: Input.OnInputFinished Data: null
17:43:26.604 T:1717564320 NOTICE: EMBY.kodimonitor -> Method: System.OnRestart Data: null
17:43:26.688 T:1903162272 NOTICE: Storing total System Uptime
17:43:26.689 T:1903162272 NOTICE: Saving settings
17:43:26.708 T:1717564320 NOTICE: EMBY.kodimonitor -> Method: System.OnQuit Data: {"exitcode":66}
17:43:26.724 T:1903162272 NOTICE: Saving skin settings
17:43:26.737 T:1903162272 NOTICE: stop all
17:43:26.738 T:1903162272 NOTICE: stop player
17:43:26.738 T:1903162272 NOTICE: ES: Stopping event server
17:43:26.738 T:1903162272 NOTICE: stopping upnp
17:43:26.807 T:1593045920 NOTICE: ES: UDP Event server stopped
17:43:26.891 T:1903162272 NOTICE: stopping zeroconf publishing
17:43:26.896 T:1903162272 NOTICE: CWebServer[8080]: Stopped
17:43:26.896 T:1903162272 NOTICE: stop dvd detect media
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