I cannot update neither install any addon from rb-addons repository. Once clicking "install" it backs to addon list and nothing happens. There is no entry in [definition='1','0']log[/definition]. What can I do ?
CoreELEC Amlogic
Raybuntu -
7. Dezember 2016 um 19:01 -
There should be an entry in the [definition='1','0']log[/definition]. What version are you using?
Make sure to check for updates in the Repo left hand sidebar:
http://kodi.wiki/view/Add-on_manager#Lefthand_sidebar_menu -
the only entry in [definition='1','0']log[/definition] but I'm really not sure if it's linked with (not exact time):
11:18:15.539 T:3859805088 ERROR: GetDirectory - Error getting
Version - rb-krypton15.3 -
Please enable [definition=12,0]debug[/definition]. Try to install something and pastebin the whole [definition=9,2]kodi.[definition='1','0']log[/definition][/definition] please.
looking good.
yes, I haven't found anything wrong, too but none of addons can be installed neither updated.
Your repo seems to be "hardcoded" since karbon14 or 15, right ? So, no repo-addon update is needed ?BTW There are some add-on from your repo with updates so something works
here is reference to 8.1 tree in file:
https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Raybuntu/rb-ad…/Odroid_C2/arm/is it correct as most of addons have 8.2 in their versions ?
Ahh sorry I see you manually installed the repo. Please uninstall it then it'll work.
here was no option to remove repository addon but I did manually -> deleted repository.rbrepo dir. from addons. Then restart and still the same ...
It's strange.
Log looks ok. Did you check for updates again? -
Yes, I tried so.
Addons -> Install from repo -> RB add-ons (Raybuntu 8.2.0) -> (Context menu) -> Search for updates -> (info box: updates available)Addons -> Install from repo -> RB Add-ons (Raybuntu 8.2.0) -> (Context menu) -> Addon information (or so) -> Update -> (Dialog box says (in translation): Actually there are no updates available for this addon)
Please, take a look for next pastebin
Why there is "CFileCache::Process - Source read didn't return any data! Hit eof(?)" ? -
Can you install addons from other repos?
But you can manually download https://github.com/Raybuntu/rb-ad…d42-8.2.111.zip
Right - this manual way it works.
Another issue
2017-07-12 21:49:46.492 linuxdvb: Montage Technology M88DS3103 : DVB-S #0 - DTV_CLEAR failed [e=Inappropriate ioctl for device]
2017-07-12 21:49:46.492 mpegts: 12500V in DVB-S - tuning on Montage Technology M88DS3103 : DVB-S #0Tuner DVBSky S960 (USB).
Milhouse macht auch generic soviel ich weiß.
danke für den tipp und die hilfe, hab es gestern zum laufen bekommen.
letzter build von hier http://milhouse.libreelec.tv/builds/master/Generic/hab jetzt nur ein problem mit den farben, weiss nicht woran es liegt. das netflix logo in den intros ist blau und alle schauspieler sind blau hab mal asciidisco ne mail geschrieben.
mein htpc is durchaus sehr sehr alt und die gpu is ne onboard intel. von daher weiss ich jetzt nicht genau ob das an libinputstream.adaptive oder asciidiscos plugins liegt. -
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