Bin nach der Anleitung für Inputstream vorgegangen. Habe anstatt des Sxstemlinks auch mal die Datei dort hinkopiert.
Bin nach der Anleitung für Inputstream vorgegangen. Habe anstatt des Sxstemlinks auch mal die Datei dort hinkopiert.
The channels do not work anymore.
In the TV channels section it stops when I press the button to start a program.
In Mediatheke the weekday names do not work. Just says error...
Monday Tuesday and so on...
Sending you the [definition='1','0']log[/definition] file.
I have edited the strings.xml file for English and Created another for Swedish.
Might have destroyed something but do not think so at least I do not see it.
Would you like a trace also ?
/PAD ¤
Kann man es überprüfen ob ich da richtig vorgegangen bin?
@Philip_Arthur_Dent New Version Could you try. Hopefully the error with "One Element in Playlist couldnt be Played" is also gone
@Defskidrow welche Version von Kodi hast du Kodi 17 Beta ? Fangen wir mal schrittweise an (Und Welches OS)
@All Letzte Version war Buggy, Neue Version Online
Kodi 17 aktuelle Beta
Win 10
@was hast du in
für dateinen und wie gross?
So sieht das bei mir aus.... Den Widevineordner muss er selbst abgelegt haben.
Now it works much better.
Mediatheke works perfect. Much better than in Magine.
In The TV Stations screen I think that you just present stuff like magine does itself (please see the picture).
Typically you come and have missed your program by 10 minutes or so, Would it not be perfect to start that program..
Often you also want to see when your program starts.
At least there should be a sorting order of Sender - Time - Sendung which is what you
normally would want.
No need for this to be dynamic and move with time though.
(The backward scrolling can be handled in the future. No need to rush,)
Another thing I am thinking of is that it looks as if you can change language (German, English, ...)
but there is no setting to actually set it. Should it not be set there..?
If you want, I can translate the English section and build a Swedish one and send them to you..?
/PAD ¤
When you switch to Channel. You cant Rewind the Show to the Beginning? Should work.
So you switch to a show, and when you want to see it from the beginning just rewind
The Language of the Interface depends on your LanguageSettings of Kodi
The Language file is:…ish/strings.xml
Hat noch wer eine Idee? Klappt einfach nicht -.-
@Defskidrow Lösch den Link mal und Kopier die Datei direkt da hin. Mal so für den Anfang möglichst wenig Fehler möglichkeiten
Und danach neu starten
Hat noch wer eine Idee? Klappt einfach nicht -.-
Habe leider das gleiche Problem. Kein Programm startet. Habe ebenso die drei dateien pepflash, ssd, widevin im cmd order direkt.
Win 10 / Kodi 17 rc1
Habe sie jetzt auch nochmal direkt rein gemacht.... läuft trotzdem nicht
Habe den Fehler gefunden
In der Anleitung soll man sich die Widevine.dll aus Chrome Portable holen, diese Version geht aber nicht. Sie ist neuer als beim normalen Chrome. Warum weiß ich nicht, aber mit der alten geht es. Beide sind auf dem neusten Stand. Ändert aber beim normalen nichts daran.
Links normal, rechts portable
Prüf mal deine dateien
widevinecdm.dll 6.047.736 Bytes)
ssd_wv.dll 257.024 Bytes
Auf deinem Screenshot shauts anders groß aus hast du wirklich die widevinecdm.dll kopiert und nicht die adapter dll?
Ja habe ich... hatte die Adapter nur zur Probe mal mit drin. Wie gesagt, jetzt geht es ohne Probleme. Mit der neueren Datei geht es nicht.
Hi, again!
When you switch to Channel. You cant Rewind the Show to the Beginning? Should work.
So you switch to a show, and when you want to see it from the beginning just rewind.
OK, works fine for me.
The Language of the Interface depends on your LanguageSettings of Kodi
Ah, perfect. Attached are two files, one for English and One for Swedish.
I have ordered Norwegian Channels from Magine
When I watched them I realize that they work better than the Swedish ones.
With Norwegian channels I can watch programs live.
I can not do that on the Swedish ones.
There is that hour that disappears...
Another thing that struck me is that the Norwegian channels only appear once,
The Swedish channels occur several times with different programs.
I suspect that that is not how it is supposed to work, is it ?
If that is true then it makes much more sense...
But then, why do I have several programs for the Swedish Channels ?
/PAD ¤
@Philip_Arthur_Dent You still have the 1h Problem with the Swedish Channels? They are always 1 Hour behind?
Yes, I thought they had gone but it seems as if the missing hour is back.
Not just behind, To be able to see a program I must wait for it to end...
AND it must have started more than one hour ago.
But there should only be one instance of every channel on the livepage..
Should it not.?
I have four or five instances of the Swedish channels.
/PAD ¤
I think i Have an Idea.
Does the error appear. when you leave the Channel Menu. Go back to the Main Menu an Reenter the TV Menu. Is it still 1h Off ?
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