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Die Beta 3 von Jarvis ist seit ein paar Tagen raus.
Der Schwerpunkt liegt in der Ankündigun bei kodi.tv auf der Musikdatenbank.
Diese verhält sich nun zumindest beim Hinzufügen der Quellen identisch mit der Vorgehensweise bei Videomaterial.
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Inhalte von externen Seiten werden ohne Ihre Zustimmung nicht automatisch geladen und angezeigt.
Der Changelog zur Beta 3 (Bugfix)
Fixes done in this beta 3:
- Fixed: non-working touch input in file manager
- Fixed: workaround for MySQL 5.7.x query optimizer changes
- Fixed: remove broken musicvideo scraper
- Fixed: don’t show “sync playback to display” option on Android as it’s not supported
- Fixed: fix codepage for Korean language input
- Fixed: added workaround for triggering repository updates during playback
- Fixed: fix crash in PVR calling the context menu
- Fixed: show OK dialog instead of empty list clicking on the update button in add-on information panel
- Fixed: several coverity and cppcheck code analysis problems
- Fixed: time sometimes jumped backwards on playing bluray m2ts files and fixes stutter on switching files
- Fixed: several issues regarding music library
- Fixed: timer and EPG handling in PVR
- Fixed: crashing on cleaning up events
- Fixed: don’t show brightness/contrast controls when using Android MediaCodec (Surface)
- Fixed: dont invalidate art for addons that are new or not updated since last fetch
- Fixed: Android stylus devices don’t respond on input
- Fixed: segfault when ADSP is enabled in settings
- Fixed: missing art when playing something from a music add-on
- Fixed: variety of cleanups and problems for AMLogic chips
- Fixed: fixed possible directory traversal bug due to insufficient url checking
- Fixed: handling of media key on Android
- Changed: add support for pre-gzipped addons.xml in repositories which should considerably reduce repository traffic
- Changed: remove “add source”from Programs section
Für mich noch nichts dabei
Quelle: http://kodi.tv/kodi-16-0-beta-3-jarvis-is-getting-ready-3/