I've installed Kodi on Ubuntu Server 14.04.1 and configured all. But on litte thing is missing. The function "Reboot" or "Restart" in the main menu is not rebooting the system it justs quits kodi and launches kodi again.
Skin Aeon MQ5 Helix Mod
My config:
Upstart with /etc/init/kodi.conf
# kodi-upstart
# starts Kodi on startup by using xinit.
# by default runs as kodi, to change edit below.
env USER=kodi
description "Kodi-MediaCenter-upstart-script"
author "Bastik"
start on (filesystem and stopped udevtrigger)
stop on runlevel [016]
# tell upstart to respawn the process if abnormal exit
exec su -c "xinit /usr/bin/kodi --standalone -- -nocursor :0" $USER
end script
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In /home/user/.kodi/addons/skin.aeonmq5.helixmod/720p I located and changed the file which is responsable for the actions done when selecting Shutdown / Reboot / Quit, and set all to reboot. The system is running 24/7 asnd shut not switch of.
<onfocus>Skin.SetString(menu1201.master,reboot)</onfocus><!-- Sair -->
<onfocus>Skin.SetString(menu1202.master,reboot)</onfocus><!-- Desligar sistema -->
<onfocus>Skin.SetString(menu1203.master,reboot)</onfocus><!-- Reiniciar sistema -->
I added some ploicies like described in here:
But reboot just relaunches kodi.
It's doing the same like I type sudo service kodi restart on console.
Thanks for advices and tips.