Bitstreaming of dts-hd hr is not working on my system, all other formats work (dts-hd ma, dts, dolby digital true hd, dolby digital).
If I start a movie with dts-hd hr, no sound is played (receiver shows no signal). When a dts-hd ma track is played before, the receiver also shows "dts-hd ma", when the dts-hd hr track is played, but the volume is low and some channels are missing.
Current workaround is to disable dts-hd in xbmc settings, when I play a movie with dts-hd hr, then only the dts core is played.
Would it be possible to either fix bitstreaming of dts-hd hr, or add an option in XBMC to disable bitstreaming just for dts-hd hr and not also dts-hd ma?
PowerDVD can successfully play and bitstream the movie with dts-hd hr sound on the same machine, so this should not be an hardware issue.
Has anyone running a systen with bitstreaming of dts-hd hr working??
My system spec is:
AMD Radeon HD 5570
Catalyst 14.4
Windows 7
XBMC 13.1
Receiver: Cambridge Audio Azur 650R.