Hallo unbekannterweise !
Habe unter Manjaro/Arch-linux xbmc am Start.
Samba läuft, Mariadb/mysql auch (hust)
Habe jetzt Stunden, heißt die ganze letzte Nacht, damit verbracht herauszufinden wo der Fehler liegt, leider ohne Erfolg (Google etc.pp)
Der Scraper steigt mit folgender Meldung aus.
Hier ein Ausschnitt aus xbmc.[definition='1','0']log[/definition]:
[fehlerbox]o open database: MyMusic9 [1130](Host 'Holger-Netbook.fritz.box' is not allowed to connect to this MariaDB server)
05:10:57 T:3010938688 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyMusic8 [1130](Host 'Holger-Netbook.fritz.box' is not allowed to connect to this MariaDB server)
05:10:57 T:3010938688 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyMusic7 [1130](Host 'Holger-Netbook.fritz.box' is not allowed to connect to this MariaDB server)
05:10:57 T:3010938688 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyMusic6 [1130](Host 'Holger-Netbook.fritz.box' is not allowed to connect to this MariaDB server)
05:10:57 T:3010938688 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyMusic5 [1130](Host 'Holger-Netbook.fritz.box' is not allowed to connect to this MariaDB server)
05:10:57 T:3010938688 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyMusic4 [1130](Host 'Holger-Netbook.fritz.box' is not allowed to connect to this MariaDB server)
05:10:57 T:3010938688 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyMusic3 [1130](Host 'Holger-Netbook.fritz.box' is not allowed to connect to this MariaDB server)
05:10:57 T:3010938688 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyMusic2 [1130](Host 'Holger-Netbook.fritz.box' is not allowed to connect to this MariaDB server)
05:10:57 T:3010938688 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyMusic1 [1130](Host 'Holger-Netbook.fritz.box' is not allowed to connect to this MariaDB server)
05:10:57 T:3010938688 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyMusic [1130](Host 'Holger-Netbook.fritz.box' is not allowed to connect to this MariaDB server)
05:10:57 T:3010938688 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyMusic32 [1130](Host 'Holger-Netbook.fritz.box' is not allowed to connect to this MariaDB server)
05:10:57 T:3010938688 ERROR: Unable to create new database
05:10:57 T:3010938688 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos75 [1130](Host 'Holger-Netbook.fritz.box' is not allowed to connect to this MariaDB server)
05:10:57 T:3010938688 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos74 [1130](Host 'Holger-Netbook.fritz.box' is not allowed to connect to this MariaDB server)
05:10:57 T:3010938688 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos73 [1130](Host 'Holger-Netbook.fritz.box' is not allowed to connect to this MariaDB server)
05:10:57 T:3010938688 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos72 [1130](Host 'Holger-Netbook.fritz.box' is not allowed to connect to this MariaDB server)
05:10:57 T:3010938688 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos71 [1130](Host 'Holger-Netbook.fritz.box' is not allowed to connect to this MariaDB server)
05:10:57 T:3010938688 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos70 [1130](Host 'Holger-Netbook.fritz.box' is not allowed to connect to this MariaDB server)
05:10:57 T:3010938688 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos69 [1130](Host 'Holger-Netbook.fritz.box' is not allowed to connect to this MariaDB server)
05:10:57 T:3010938688 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos68 [1130](Host 'Holger-Netbook.fritz.box' is not allowed to connect to this MariaDB server)
05:10:57 T:3010938688 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos67 [1130](Host 'Holger-Netbook.fritz.box' is not allowed to connect to this MariaDB server)
05:10:57 T:3010938688 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos66 [1130](Host 'Holger-Netbook.fritz.box' is not allowed to connect to this MariaDB server)[/fehlerbox]
Vielleicht hat jemand erbarmen, mehr Erfahrung und würde sich erbarmen mir unter die Arme zu greifen oder in die richtige Richtung schubsen ?
Bin für jede Hilfe dankbar !
der filmfan