ATV2-Fehlermeldung: Error-Fail to start Commoncache

  • Hallo,

    hatte bisher mit meinem ATV2 und XBMC Frodo nie Probleme,
    seit einigen Tagen bekomme ich beim starten von XBMC folgende Meldung
    unten rechts angezeigt:

    Error Fail to start Commoncache.
    Danach dauert es länger als sonst Repos zu öffnen, XBMC crasht und
    ATV lädt neu.

    Jemand evtl Ideen das Problem zu lösen, bevor ich XBMC
    komplett neu aufsetzen muss??
    Meldung bzgl. Commoncache war kurzzeitig weg, plötzlich wieder da.

    Nun wieder bei jedem Start.

    Anbei mein Log:
    00:57:09 T:137424896 NOTICE: -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    00:57:09 T:137424896 NOTICE: Starting XBMC (12.2 Git:20130502-32b1a5e), Platform: Darwin iOS (13.0.0, Version 6.1 (Build 10B144b)). Built on May 2 2013
    00:57:09 T:137424896 NOTICE: special://xbmc/ is mapped to: /private/var/stash/Applications/XBMC.frappliance/XBMCData/XBMCHome
    00:57:09 T:137424896 NOTICE: special://xbmcbin/ is mapped to: /private/var/stash/Applications/XBMC.frappliance/XBMCData/XBMCHome
    00:57:09 T:137424896 NOTICE: special://masterprofile/ is mapped to: /var/mobile/Library/Preferences/XBMC/userdata
    00:57:09 T:137424896 NOTICE: special://home/ is mapped to: /var/mobile/Library/Preferences/XBMC
    00:57:09 T:137424896 NOTICE: special://temp/ is mapped to: /var/mobile/Library/Preferences/XBMC/temp
    00:57:09 T:137424896 NOTICE: special://frameworks/ is mapped to: /var/stash/Applications/XBMC.frappliance/Frameworks
    00:57:09 T:137424896 NOTICE: The executable running is: /var/stash/Applications/XBMC.frappliance/XBMC
    00:57:09 T:137424896 NOTICE: Local hostname: Apple-TV2
    00:57:09 T:137424896 NOTICE: Log File is located: /var/mobile/Library/Preferences/xbmc.[definition='1','0']log[/definition]
    00:57:09 T:137424896 NOTICE: -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    00:57:09 T:137424896 NOTICE: load settings...
    00:57:09 T:137424896 NOTICE: special://profile/ is mapped to: special://masterprofile/
    00:57:09 T:137424896 NOTICE: loading special://masterprofile/guisettings.xml
    00:57:09 T:137424896 NOTICE: Getting hardware information now...
    00:57:09 T:137424896 INFO: Using analog output
    00:57:09 T:137424896 INFO: AC3 pass through is enabled
    00:57:09 T:137424896 INFO: DTS pass through is enabled
    00:57:09 T:137424896 DEBUG: Error: Requested setting (audiooutput.passthroughaac) was not found. It must be case-sensitive
    00:57:09 T:137424896 INFO: AAC pass through is disabled
    00:57:09 T:137424896 NOTICE: Loading player core factory settings from special://xbmc/system/playercorefactory.xml.
    00:57:09 T:137424896 DEBUG: CPlayerCoreConfig::<ctor>: created player DVDPlayer for core 1
    00:57:09 T:137424896 DEBUG: CPlayerCoreConfig::<ctor>: created player oldmplayercore for core 1
    00:57:09 T:137424896 DEBUG: CPlayerCoreConfig::<ctor>: created player PAPlayer for core 3
    00:57:09 T:137424896 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::Initialize: creating rule: system rules
    00:57:09 T:137424896 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::Initialize: creating rule: rtv
    00:57:09 T:137424896 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::Initialize: creating rule: hdhomerun/myth/mms/udp
    00:57:09 T:137424896 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::Initialize: creating rule: lastfm/shout
    00:57:09 T:137424896 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::Initialize: creating rule: rtmp
    00:57:09 T:137424896 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::Initialize: creating rule: rtsp
    00:57:09 T:137424896 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::Initialize: creating rule: streams
    00:57:09 T:137424896 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::Initialize: creating rule: aacp/sdp
    00:57:09 T:137424896 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::Initialize: creating rule: mp2
    00:57:09 T:137424896 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::Initialize: creating rule: dvd
    00:57:09 T:137424896 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::Initialize: creating rule: dvdimage
    00:57:09 T:137424896 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::Initialize: creating rule: sdp/asf
    00:57:09 T:137424896 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::Initialize: creating rule: nsv
    00:57:09 T:137424896 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::Initialize: creating rule: radio
    00:57:09 T:137424896 NOTICE: Loaded playercorefactory configuration
    00:57:09 T:137424896 NOTICE: Loading player core factory settings from special://masterprofile/playercorefactory.xml.
    00:57:09 T:137424896 NOTICE: special://masterprofile/playercorefactory.xml does not exist. Skipping.
    00:57:09 T:137424896 NOTICE: No settings file to load (special://xbmc/system/[definition='2','1']advancedsettings[/definition].xml)
    00:57:09 T:137424896 NOTICE: No settings file to load (special://masterprofile/[definition='2','1']advancedsettings[/definition].xml)
    00:57:09 T:137424896 NOTICE: Default DVD Player: dvdplayer
    00:57:09 T:137424896 NOTICE: Default Video Player: dvdplayer
    00:57:09 T:137424896 NOTICE: Default Audio Player: paplayer
    00:57:09 T:137424896 NOTICE: Disabled debug logging due to GUI setting. Level 0.
    00:57:09 T:137424896 NOTICE: Log level changed to 0
    00:57:09 T:137424896 NOTICE: Loading media sources from special://masterprofile/sources.xml
    00:57:09 T:137424896 NOTICE: Running database version Addons15
    00:57:10 T:137424896 NOTICE: Checking resolution 16
    00:57:10 T:137424896 NOTICE: GL_VENDOR = Imagination Technologies
    00:57:10 T:137424896 NOTICE: GL_RENDERER = PowerVR SGX 535
    00:57:10 T:137424896 NOTICE: GL_VERSION = OpenGL ES 2.0 IMGSGX535-73.16.1
    00:57:10 T:137424896 NOTICE: GL_SHADING_LANGUAGE_VERSION = OpenGL ES GLSL ES 1.0
    00:57:10 T:137424896 NOTICE: GL_EXTENSIONS = GL_OES_depth_texture GL_OES_depth24 GL_OES_element_index_uint GL_OES_fbo_render_mipmap GL_OES_mapbuffer GL_OES_packed_depth_stencil GL_OES_rgb8_rgba8 GL_OES_standard_derivatives GL_OES_texture_float GL_OES_texture_half_float GL_OES_vertex_array_object GL_EXT_blend_minmax GL_EXT_debug_label GL_EXT_debug_marker GL_EXT_discard_framebuffer GL_EXT_map_buffer_range GL_EXT_read_format_bgra GL_EXT_separate_shader_objects GL_EXT_shader_framebuffer_fetch GL_EXT_shader_texture_lod GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic GL_EXT_texture_storage GL_APPLE_copy_texture_levels GL_APPLE_framebuffer_multisample GL_APPLE_rgb_422 GL_APPLE_sync GL_APPLE_texture_format_BGRA8888 GL_APPLE_texture_max_level GL_IMG_read_format GL_IMG_texture_compression_pvrtc
    00:57:11 T:137424896 NOTICE: Running database version Addons15
    00:57:11 T:137424896 NOTICE: Running database version ViewModes4
    00:57:11 T:137424896 NOTICE: Running database version Textures13
    00:57:11 T:137424896 NOTICE: Running database version MyMusic32
    00:57:11 T:137424896 NOTICE: Running database version MyVideos75
    00:57:11 T:137424896 NOTICE: Running database version TV22
    00:57:11 T:137424896 NOTICE: Running database version Epg7
    00:57:11 T:137424896 NOTICE: initializing playlistplayer
    00:57:11 T:137424896 NOTICE: DONE initializing playlistplayer
    00:57:14 T:805105664 NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
    00:57:14 T:137424896 NOTICE: initialize done
    00:57:14 T:137424896 NOTICE: Running the application...
    00:57:16 T:137424896 NOTICE: ES: Starting event server
    00:57:16 T:145367040 NOTICE: ES: Starting UDP Event server on
    00:57:16 T:145367040 NOTICE: UDP: Listening on port 9777
    00:57:16 T:137424896 NOTICE: starting zeroconf publishing
    00:57:17 T:146432000 ERROR: SQL: Unable to open the database file
    Query: update repo set lastcheck='2013-09-27 00:57:17' where addonID='repository.googlecode.anarchintosh-projects'
    00:57:17 T:146432000 ERROR: SetRepoTimestamp failed on repo 'repository.googlecode.anarchintosh-projects'
    00:57:17 T:139489280 NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
    00:57:17 T:146432000 ERROR: SQL: Unable to open the database file
    Query: update repo set lastcheck='2013-09-27 00:57:17' where addonID='repository.addonscriptorde-beta'
    00:57:17 T:146432000 ERROR: SetRepoTimestamp failed on repo 'repository.addonscriptorde-beta'
    00:57:17 T:146432000 ERROR: SQL: Unable to open the database file
    Query: delete from repo where id=426
    00:57:17 T:146432000 ERROR: DeleteRepository failed on repo 426
    00:57:17 T:146432000 ERROR: SQL: Unable to open the database file
    Query: insert into repo (id,addonID,checksum,lastcheck) values (NULL,'repository.googlecode.dandar3-xbmc-addons','','2013-09-27 00:57:17')
    00:57:17 T:146432000 ERROR: AddRepository failed on repo 'repository.googlecode.dandar3-xbmc-addons'
    00:57:17 T:146432000 ERROR: SQL: Unable to open the database file
    Query: update repo set lastcheck='2013-09-27 00:57:17' where addonID='repository.googlecode.dandar3-xbmc-addons'
    00:57:17 T:146432000 ERROR: SetRepoTimestamp failed on re

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