Ein Repo für alle Add-ons

  • Es gibt eine neue Seite, die alle Addons hostet: http://www.superrepo.org. Das Ganze hat für mich einen kleinen Beigeschmack. Warum auch Add-ons aus dem offiziellen Repo dort zu finden sind frage ich mich. Außerdem lässt sich auf einfachste Weise Schadcode einschleusen.

    Das dezentrale System ist nicht perfekt, aber besser als ein gemeinsames Repo ohne Kontrolle. In Zukunft wird es meine Add-ons auch im offiziellen Repo geben.

  • Hmm. Ich find die Idee super, leider zwickt mich das Gleiche wie Dich. Die Möglichkeit, Schadcode unterzujubeln. Wie einfach es ist, werden wir wohl noch sehen..

  • hmm Klingt Super hab'S einfach mal installiert und werde den thread mal verfolgen. Wie wäre es denn damit dem Team-XBMC solch ein Superrepo anzubieten? Würde mich dan persönlich etwas wohler dabei fühlen.

  • @membrane So hab ichs verstanden und gleichermaßen gemeint. Die Besitzdefinitionen werden umschifft.. Ich muß es mir mal genauer anschauen, ob er Softlinks zu den eigentlichen Repos macht oder wirklich alle selbst pseudo-hostet.

  • ok wieder deinstalliert...^^ Hab mir da mal alles angeschaut und 3-4 sache installiert. Watchdog, 1Live und 2 3 andere sachen die mir zumindestens vom Namen her nicht neu waren...

    hoffen wir das beste :D

    Ich finde das .to argument zieht nicht so richtig, weil es ja darum geht, das das tam-XBMC jedes addon eigenhändig überprüfen sollte. So wie das auch bei den addons der fall ist die es dort reinschaffen...

  • Sorry,
    I never really payed attention in German class. So I have to do this in English.

    I am the maintainer of SuperRepo and I will try to answer any questions.

    1.) One of the reasons SuperRepo can include many more addons than the official Repo is that the rules are less strict. This allows us to include for example skins in development (they have their own category) which is something the skin-developers and users wanted for a long time. Secondly: we can process SVN accounts, the official repository system can not. Some addon developers dislike the official repository for that reason and don't let it include their addons.

    2.) The XBMC Team is discussing SuperRepo internally at the moment. Afaik most teammembers like it and want to give it a chance. However, the (two or three) official repo maintainers really don't like it as they say I should have improved the official system so more developers would include their addon. However, I don't think 'code wise improvement' solves 'the problem' of official repo. It's a combination of many things that makes the official repository not include all and most of it is not really a matter of quality of the addons.
    I've been talking to members of XBMC team while developing SR and the format addons are submitted is compatible. Soon I hope to have a 'submit your addon' form on the website that sends messages to both SR and XBMC so both teams can be 100% happy.

    3.) The Youtube addon is installed as dependency for many addons. Can't do anything about that as I don't change the dependency code of addons. It's exacly the same with the official repository.

    4.) It are hard links indeed. As SR grows it will use more bandwidth. Therefor I invested time to find mirrors to back it all up. At this moment there is 45Gbps available. So even if there are 20.000 users who download 40 addons a day, nobody will cross their bandwith limit as SR has it's own CDN.

    5.) As the code of all addons can be seen, feel free to check some of them out and look if I changed anything. (besides the overridden, you can see that list on the SR Wiki)

    So basically I could do anything to those addons, add virusses to them etc etc. But who ensures me that XBMCnerds site doesnt do/try the same thing? Maybe it's in the disclaimer that I could not read :P That's what we call trust :) As soon as someone makes an 'virusscanner' for addons I am happy willing to include that too.

    Grüße von mir,

    Bart Otten

  • Do you know: Mad-Max his skin is already forked and adapted. The maintainer just asked for inclusion in SR (it will be the first skin that supports the new in-XBMC configuration!)

    ps. It would be much easier to infect everybody using XBian :P So no, SR will stay clean ;)


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