XBMC PRE-10.0 Git: 4b032be auf einem ATV2.
Wenn ich, nach einem CLEAN DATABASE, die EXPORT VIDEO LIBRARY-> SINGLE FILE Funktion starte, legt XBMC los und schreibt mir ins ausgewählte Verzeichnis alle möglichen Daten.
Sobald XBMC jedoch daran kommt die Video.xml zu schreiben, stürzt es sag- und klanglos ab.
Bei 98% der TV-Serien (Movies wurden bis dahin komplett exportiert) steht XBMC etwas dumm rum, überlegt wohl, was es machen soll und semmelt dann ab.
Es befindet sich dann lediglich eine 0 Bytes große videodb.xml Datei im Export-Ordner. (Plus die exportierten Verzeichnisse)
Ich kann also nicht meine heissgeliebte Datenbank exportieren und bin geliefert!
(Reboot und das alles einen Monat lang testen, weil vielleicht klappts ja zufällig, wenn etwas an der DB geändert wurde hab ich schon probiert. Erfolglos.)
Die relevanten Logeinträge dürften das sein:
05:32:21 T:175173632 M:119521280 NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
05:32:22 T:175173632 M:119017472 NOTICE: {'albums': 'True', 'limit': '3', 'totals': 'True'}
05:32:54 T:91041792 M:109105152 ERROR: Window Translator: Can't find window tvsettings
05:32:54 T:91041792 M:109105152 ERROR: Window Translator: Can't find window tv
05:32:54 T:91041792 M:109101056 ERROR: Error evaluating boolean expression Window.IsVisible(TV) + Control.IsVisible(10)
05:33:22 T:91041792 M:100454400 ERROR: Remove - Error removing /var/mobile/Documents/xbmc_videodb_2011-02-20
(leider kann ich nicht mit einem DebugLog dienen, da, seit dem ich den DebugLog eingeschaltet habe, kein Bild mehr vom AppleTV auf dem Monitor erscheint....grrrrrr)
Hat jemand der anwesenden Herrschaften evtl. eine Idee, wie ich XBMC überrede, nicht mehr abzustürzen? Is scho blöde...
Reboot tut gut, und somit kann ich auch ein Debug-Log nachtragen:
06:06:44 T:184418304 M:103161856 DEBUG: Process - Entering source directory /var/mobile/Library/Preferences/XBMC/addons/script.recentlyadded
06:06:46 T:184418304 M:102674432 NOTICE: {'albums': 'True', 'limit': '3', 'totals': 'True'}
06:06:46 T:95064064 M:102674432 DEBUG: HttpApi Start command: SetResponseFormat paras: SetResponseFormat
06:06:46 T:95064064 M:102674432 DEBUG: HttpApi Start command: SetResponseFormat paras: SetResponseFormat; OpenRecord;<record>
06:06:46 T:95064064 M:102719488 DEBUG: HttpApi Start command: SetResponseFormat paras: SetResponseFormat; CloseRecord;</record>
06:06:47 T:95064064 M:102633472 DEBUG: HttpApi Start command: QueryVideoDatabase paras: QueryVideoDatabase; select count(1), count(playCount), movieview.* from movieview group by lastPlayed
06:06:50 T:95064064 M:100233216 DEBUG: HttpApi Start command: QueryVideoDatabase paras: QueryVideoDatabase; select count(1), count(playCount) from musicvideoview
06:06:50 T:95064064 M:100270080 DEBUG: HttpApi Start command: QueryVideoDatabase paras: [not recorded]
06:06:52 T:95064064 M: 98271232 DEBUG: HttpApi Start command: QueryMusicDatabase paras: QueryMusicDatabase; select count(1), count(distinct strAlbum), count(distinct strArtist) from songview
06:06:56 T:95064064 M: 99799040 DEBUG: HttpApi Start command: QueryVideoDatabase paras: QueryVideoDatabase; select * from movieview order by idMovie desc limit 3
06:06:56 T:95064064 M: 95698944 DEBUG: HttpApi Start command: QueryVideoDatabase paras: QueryVideoDatabase; select * from episodeview order by idepisode desc limit 3
06:06:56 T:95064064 M: 95604736 DEBUG: HttpApi Start command: QueryMusicDatabase paras: QueryMusicDatabase; select * from albumview order by idAlbum desc limit 3
06:06:57 T:184418304 M: 95117312 INFO: Scriptresult: Success
06:06:57 T:184418304 M: 95096832 INFO: Python script stopped
06:06:57 T:184418304 M: 95096832 DEBUG: Thread 184418304 terminating
06:06:57 T:95064064 M: 95105024 DEBUG: python thread 1 destructed
06:07:07 T:95064064 M: 94359552 INFO: Python, unloading python24.dll because no scripts are running anymore
06:07:07 T:95064064 M: 94203904 DEBUG: UnloadExtensionLibs, clearing python extension libraries
06:07:07 T:95064064 M: 94199808 DEBUG: Unloading: python26-arm-osx.so
06:07:12 T:183394304 M: 93757440 INFO: easy_aquire - Created session to http://www.google.com
06:07:12 T:183394304 M: 93319168 DEBUG: FileCurl::Close(0xaee5c88) http://www.google.com/
06:07:12 T:174616576 M: 93224960 DEBUG: DoWork - took 308 ms to load special://skin/backgrounds/settings.jpg
06:07:13 T:95064064 M: 89341952 DEBUG: ExecuteXBMCAction : Translating ActivateWindow(Settings)
06:07:13 T:95064064 M: 89341952 DEBUG: ExecuteXBMCAction : To ActivateWindow(Settings)
06:07:13 T:95064064 M: 89341952 DEBUG: Activating window ID: 10004
06:07:13 T:95064064 M: 89341952 DEBUG: Checking if window ID 10004 is locked.
06:07:13 T:95064064 M: 89341952 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (Home.xml) ------
06:07:13 T:95064064 M: 90521600 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (Settings.xml) ------
06:07:13 T:95064064 M: 90521600 INFO: Loading skin file: Settings.xml
06:07:14 T:95064064 M: 87891968 INFO: CheckIdle - Closing session to http://feeds.feedburner.com (easy=0x77f6000, multi=0x58085c0)
06:07:15 T:95064064 M: 91729920 INFO: CheckIdle - Closing session to http://xoap.weather.com (easy=0x9469000, multi=0x9ee8b80)
06:07:19 T:95064064 M: 90947584 DEBUG: ExecuteXBMCAction : Translating ActivateWindow(VideosSettings)
06:07:19 T:95064064 M: 90947584 DEBUG: ExecuteXBMCAction : To ActivateWindow(VideosSettings)
06:07:19 T:95064064 M: 90947584 DEBUG: Activating window ID: 10017
06:07:19 T:95064064 M: 90947584 DEBUG: Checking if window ID 10017 is locked.
06:07:19 T:95064064 M: 90947584 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (Settings.xml) ------
06:07:19 T:95064064 M: 90943488 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (SettingsCategory.xml) ------
06:07:19 T:95064064 M: 90943488 INFO: Loading skin file: SettingsCategory.xml
06:07:19 T:95064064 M: 90939392 ERROR: Window Translator: Can't find window tvsettings
06:07:19 T:95064064 M: 90939392 ERROR: Window Translator: Can't find window tv
06:07:19 T:95064064 M: 90935296 ERROR: Error evaluating boolean expression Window.IsVisible(TV) + Control.IsVisible(10)
06:07:27 T:95064064 M: 83574784 INFO: Loading skin file: DialogYesNo.xml
06:07:27 T:95064064 M: 83574784 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (DialogYesNo.xml) ------
06:07:30 T:95064064 M: 82018304 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (DialogYesNo.xml) ------
06:07:30 T:95064064 M: 83439616 NOTICE: CleanDatabase: Starting videodatabase cleanup ..
06:07:30 T:95064064 M: 82886656 INFO: Loading skin file: DialogProgress.xml
06:07:30 T:95064064 M: 82866176 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (DialogProgress.xml) ------
06:07:42 T:183394304 M: 81408000 DEBUG: Thread 183394304 terminating (autodelete)
06:07:42 T:174616576 M: 81416192 DEBUG: Thread 174616576 terminating (autodelete)
06:07:42 T:95064064 M: 81420288 INFO: CheckIdle - Closing session to http://www.google.com (easy=0x945e000, multi=0x0)
06:08:13 T:95064064 M: 81506304 DEBUG: SECTION:UnloadDll(libcurl.4.dylib)
06:08:13 T:95064064 M: 81506304 DEBUG: Unloading: libcurl.4.dylib
06:08:19 T:183316480 M: 81481728 DEBUG: Received request to serve 'DeviceDescription.xml'
06:13:15 T:95064064 M: 79323136 DEBUG: CleanDatabase: Cleaning paths that don't exist and don't have content set...
06:13:16 T:95064064 M: 79319040 DEBUG: CleanDatabase: Cleaning tvshow table
06:13:16 T:95064064 M: 79282176 DEBUG: CleanDatabase: Cleaning actorlinktvshow table
06:13:16 T:95064064 M: 79269888 DEBUG: CleanDatabase: Cleaning directorlinktvshow table
06:13:16 T:95064064 M: 79269888 DEBUG: CleanDatabase: Cleaning tvshowlinkpath table
06:13:16 T:95064064 M: 79269888 DEBUG: CleanDatabase: Cleaning genrelinktvshow table
06:13:16 T:95064064 M: 79269888 DEBUG: CleanDatabase: Cleaning movielinktvshow table
06:13:16 T:95064064 M: 79249408 DEBUG: CleanDatabase: Cleaning path table
06:13:16 T:95064064 M: 78946304 DEBUG: CleanDatabase: Cleaning genre table
06:13:16 T:95064064 M: 78909440 DEBUG: CleanDatabase: Cleaning country table
06:13:16 T:95064064 M: 78901248 DEBUG: CleanDatabase: Cleaning actor table of actors, directors and writers
06:13:17 T:95064064 M: 82739200 DEBUG: CleanDatabase: Cleaning studio table
06:13:17 T:95064064 M: 82710528 DEBUG: CleanDatabase: Cleaning set table
06:13:17 T:95064064 M: 81858560 NOTICE: CleanDatabase: Cleaning videodatabase done. Operation took 05:47
06:13:18 T:95064064 M: 74039296 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (DialogProgress.xml) ------
06:14:55 T:95064064 M: 75702272 NOTICE: Samba is idle. Closing the remaining connections
06:15:48 T:95064064 M: 75702272 INFO: Loading skin file: DialogYesNo.xml
06:15:48 T:95064064 M: 75698176 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (DialogYesNo.xml) ------
06:15:50 T:95064064 M: 74137600 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (DialogYesNo.xml) ------
06:15:50 T:95064064 M: 75563008 INFO: Loading skin file: FileBrowser.xml
06:15:50 T:95064064 M: 75563008 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (FileBrowser.xml) ------
06:15:52 T:176783360 M: 74702848 DEBUG: thread start, auto delete: 1
06:15:57 T:95064064 M: 73998336 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (FileBrowser.xml) ------
06:15:57 T:95064064 M: 74899456 ERROR: Remove - Error removing /var/mobile/Documents/xbmc_videodb_2011-02-20
06:15:58 T:95064064 M: 73789440 INFO: Loading skin file: DialogProgress.xml
06:15:58 T:95064064 M: 73777152 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (DialogProgress.xml) ------
06:16:24 T:176783360 M: 85590016 DEBUG: Thread 176783360 terminating (autodelete)
06:19:16 T:95064064 M:146784256 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Could not return information about unknown plug-in jadedVideo.xml.'
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