Leider hat es nun auch die Seite http://www.oneddl.eu getroffen. Die Betreiber haben sich anscheinend aus eigenem Antrieb dazu entschlossen die Seite dicht zu machen bevor sie ihnen dicht gemacht wird ...
Zitat... you will probably want to know why we have decided to close our doors, because believe me, this was not an easy decision to arrive at. The legality of websites, such as ours, has always been a rather grey area. I had believed that this ambiguity would work to our advantage and originally, that it what lawyers told us (yes, we went to see lawyers). Lately however, the landscape has changed, and it appears the grey is gradually becoming black and white, unfortunately not in our favour. We have always acted within the law, responding to takedown requests in an efficient manner by removing any reported links without question. For some people, this is simply not enough. So dies yet another great website, long live the OneDDL spirit!
Iload.to gibt es ja seit einigen Monaten auch nicht mehr. Mal gespannt wie das Massensterben weiter geht und was als nächstes nicht mehr erreichbar ist.