Was muss man eigentlich alles für Regeln beachten, wenn man einen Skin "ganz offiziell" im XBMC.org haben will?

How To make an official Skin
don -
17. April 2012 um 09:36 -
Hier ein Teil aus xbmc.org wiki
Requirements for skins:
The filesize must be sane. There is no hard limit, but a 100mb skin is pushing it.
No mods. Mods are great, and pop up frequently in the forums. But they are only confusing to non-forum-goers. This can be vague, each is evaluated on its own merit.
The following fileypes are not allowed: .so .dll .pyo .exe .xbt .xpr Thumbs.db
All skins must be 100% valid XML. You should validate your code before submitting. Windows users can use the Notepad++ plugin for this.
Skins must not include any scripts or plugins. If you need a script, submit it separately and depend on it.
Any themes must be in a subfolder of the themes/ in the skin root. This is to ensure that TexturePacker picks them up correctly.
Due to a bug in TexturePacker, all graphics files should have a resolution of at least 4x4.
All paths should be treated as case-sensitive, so that they work on all OSs and filesystems.
If you want to have some images outside of Textures.xbt, then make sure you place those images outside of the media/ folder and reference them using special://skin/backdrops/* or similar. This is most useful for backgrounds - it keeps the size of the packed textures down. Any images you have in the media/ folder will be placed in Textures.xbt in the official repository.
All skins starting with Eden must have a _screenshots folder included in the root dir and filled with 5-10 reasonably sized 1280x720 jpeg screenshots. For ex: skin.sample/_screenshots/screenshot01.jpgLink:
Na, hat dich Jezz doch ueberreden koennen, den BDC zu submitten
Gesendet mit meinem HTC Sensation XE
Noch nicht, aber es ist schon sehr reizvoll
Wenn ich es mache, dann will ich natürlich nicht alles überarbeiten um am Ende dann doch wegen irgendeiner nicht erfüllbaren Bedingung nicht aufgenommen zu werden.Und ganz ehrlich, ich hab den Code SEHR verschlampt. Fehler in allen Ecken und vielleicht 50% mit language.xml übersetzt.
Ich halt... -
Jetzt mitmachen!
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