Kodi 18.1 RC1 Bugfix Release

  • [h1]Kodi 18.1 RC1 Bugfix Release[/h1]
    Bilder hab ich mal weg gelassen.
    Windows 64 Bit (empfohlen): http://mirrors.kodi.tv/releases/windo…eia_rc1-x64.exe
    Windows 32 Bit: http://mirrors.kodi.tv/releases/windo…eia_rc1-x86.exe

    Alle anderen Plattoformen: https://kodi.tv/download - Bei eurer Plattform Pre-Release wählen!


    Upcoming bug fix release..

    Two weeks have past since the official release of v18.0, and hopefully you all like it as much as we do. A final release always comes with some unexpected bugs or improvements that needed a bit more time. In the months to come we will bring you regular v18 updates that included bug fixes and improvements. In this 18.1 Release Candidate we have included the following changes:

    • Speed up Player and Playlists operations with JSON-RPC
    • Define a senseful default value for advanced settings 'updateemptytagsinterval'
    • Revert edge case crash fix that caused DVDs to be not recognised on Mac OS
    • Remove "dxvaallowhqscaling" advanced setting to prepare for DXVA improvements in v18.2 for Windows
    • Linux X11: fix usage of required configuration values
    • Add date to the [definition='1','0']log[/definition] records
    • Don't react on DPI change event on Win10 >= FCU
    • Fix Android MediaCodec freeze when early disposing stream
    • Flush streamplayers if abort is requested which solves waiting too long. Skippingskip DVD screens for example
    • Fix ListitemAbsolute and ListItemPosition in GUI engine
    • Ignore very first "server not reachable" notification for PVR servers
    • Use extended result codes for SQLite
    • Fix invalid PTS decoder value which should inprove MPEG2 playback on Android devices
    • update SSL CA trust store
    • Handle empty vertex buffers in GUIFontTTFGL which caused a hard crash
    • Reintroduce setting "Close channel OSD after switching channels" for PVR
    • Fix thread [definition=12,9]logging[/definition] on Android which cause issues like gettings frozen on DVD/Bluray playback
    • Avoid attempt to load music info for smartplaylists
    • Fix Top 100 Albums regression
    • RenderCapture: Only query Occlusion if GL lower 1.5
    • Check current mode if whitelist doesn't match and take correct action
    • Check if app intent is valid on Android. This fixes a hard crash when trying to open Kodi again
    • Fix PVR input stream creation for pvr file items only containing a path and no recording/channel tag.
    • Fixe playing VP9 streams using inputstream addon. It failed because codec extradata is not existant for this stream codec.
    • Catch an exception while reading or writing a file
    • Fix logical "or" operation in GUI engine
    • Check the system capabilities to support sleep states S1/S2/S3/S4 before reporing them as available
    • Fix crash in PCSX ReARMed with BIOS
    • Several Estuary cosmetic fixes

    The full v18.1 RC1 changelog can be found in our Github milstone.
    If you want to read back on what was actually changed in v18 itself you can find these in the blog posts list.
    The V18 "Leia" T-shirt
    Inspired by the "galaxy far, far away" theme, our resident artist Sam went above and beyond and designed perhaps the coolest Kodi announcement video of all time.
    We loved his work so much that we're modelling the Kodi 18 shirt after it, along with more art to come. Here it is, our newest, coolest shirt: K-18L - available in several shirt colours and not just black or white.
    The Kodi 18 changelog wiki page gives a list of changes for this release; those seeking a more technical listing can view the merged pull requests on GitHub.
    As always, this is a huge team effort, and our collective thanks go out to all the developers who submitted code, whether that was thousands of lines of a core new feature or a couple of lines to fix a skin bug. Thanks go out to the ecosystem of add-on and skin developers who updated or created new add-ons to use new functionality in Kodi 18.0. Likewise, we're indebted to the many beta and release candidate testers who took time to explore the pre-release application, file bug reports, test fixes and assist the team with resolving issues. And finally ... special thanks go our to our tireless team of forum moderators, and all those who spend time in our forum and enjoy being part of our community to share tips and tricks and help others. Without all of you, this project would be nothing.
    If you experience any issues or find any remaining bugs, please post in the General Support section of our forum (please be mindful of our forum rules when posting!). If you have fixes for issues please submit a pull request with your changes to our master branch on GitHub. We also welcome users who want to help answer questions in the forum or write articles for the wiki.
    To show support and appreciation for Kodi, please consider making a donation or purchasing merchandise such as a T-shirt or Raspberry Pi case. All donations or profits go to the XBMC Foundation and are typically used for team travel to attend conferences, operating expenses, hardware and software licences for developers, legal fees, and the annual developer conference.
    Download and install
    Since this is a continuation of the v18 series you can simply install these builds on top of you existing installation.
    Go to the Official download page and choose the platform of choice and you will find these builds under the pre release tab.

    Guides nicht mehr verfügbar wegen Youtube unvermögen guten von schlechten Kodi Videos zu unterscheiden.

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von SkyBird1980 (11. Februar 2019 um 17:32)

  • Schon auf der Shield installiert :thumbup: Bisher keine Fehler gefunden, es läuft alles was ich brauche!

    Spoiler anzeigen

    Client: Nvidia Shield 2019 Pro Kodi 21.2, AVR Sony STR-DN 1080, Nubert NuBox Series 5.1, LG TV 55SM8600 Nanocell
    Musik über Pi4 mit Picore 9.2 am AVR.
    Gästezimmer:Shield TV 2017 Kodi 21.2
    Server: unRaid; Fractal Des. Define 7;Asrock B365M PROF-4, Intel i3-8100, 16GB RAM und 20TB Platten,
    Arbeitstier: DeepSilence 4, AX370M, AMD Ryzen 5 2600X; 8GB RAM, Samsung M2 970EVO 500GB, RX560 Grafik

  • Doch ein bisher nicht bekanntes Problem festgestellt: Live-TV mit TVMosaic hängt sich auf, wenn die Sendung gleichzeitig aufgenommen wird! Hoffe, es wird ein Update geben...

    Spoiler anzeigen

    Client: Nvidia Shield 2019 Pro Kodi 21.2, AVR Sony STR-DN 1080, Nubert NuBox Series 5.1, LG TV 55SM8600 Nanocell
    Musik über Pi4 mit Picore 9.2 am AVR.
    Gästezimmer:Shield TV 2017 Kodi 21.2
    Server: unRaid; Fractal Des. Define 7;Asrock B365M PROF-4, Intel i3-8100, 16GB RAM und 20TB Platten,
    Arbeitstier: DeepSilence 4, AX370M, AMD Ryzen 5 2600X; 8GB RAM, Samsung M2 970EVO 500GB, RX560 Grafik

  • Hi.
    Bei mir läuft 18.1 RC richtig gut. Und gerade das TV läuft viiiel besser als mit der 18 Final. Ich nutze aber nicht TVModsaic sondern MediaPortal als PVR backend. War mit der Final nicht zu gebrauchen, weswegen ich bis vorgestern noch die 17.6 im Einsatz hatte (und auf einer Box immer noch habe, die muss ich am WE noch upgraden).

    Danke fürs lesen, Claus

  • Soweit ich weis gibt es nur eine Store ID für Kodi so das bei einen versehentlichen Upload auch die Stables überschrieben werden.

    Guides nicht mehr verfügbar wegen Youtube unvermögen guten von schlechten Kodi Videos zu unterscheiden.

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