Weiß jemand was darüber Warum planet shield down ist? Kommen die wieder online?
Finde die tuts dort echt hilfreich.
Grüße Nixco
Weiß jemand was darüber Warum planet shield down ist? Kommen die wieder online?
Finde die tuts dort echt hilfreich.
Grüße Nixco
Ja die Seite ist down und wird es wohl auch bleiben. Ich bin aus gesundheitlichen Gründen nicht wirklich in der Lage die Seite weiter zu pflegen... deshalb gabs nun auch über 2 Monate keinen neuen Content mehr. Ich werd die Guides nach und nach hier in den Shield-Bereich portieren sofern @don bzw das Team hier damit einverstanden ist.
Ja bitte! War auch sehr traurig als ich gestellten musste, dass die Seite nun offline ist.
Hoffe z. B. dass auch der emulatoren guide und anderes wieder hier auftauchen wird
Ja bitte! War auch sehr traurig als ich gestellten musste, dass die Seite nun offline ist.
Hoffe z. B. dass auch der emulatoren guide und anderes wieder hier auftauchen wird
Schau dich mal hier im SHIELD bereich um den gibts schon wieder...weiteres wirds vorraussichtlich nicht geben.
Stimmt habs direkt danach durch Zufall gefunden
Wieso wirds nicht mehr geben? Sehr schade!
Gerade das waren Themen, die man mal braucht für die shield. Alles andere ist endweder mainstream oder gar nicht gedacht für die shield... brachte einen also nie weiter...
Apropos... Hab gesehen du hast die startparameter verlinkt von einigen emulatoren.. Dabei geht es aber nur um die einzelnen Apps... Oder? Wieso verlinkt du nicht auf RetroArch inklusiv der emulatoren? Dann bräuchte man nur eine app.. Magst du die vielleicht noch mit angeben? Wäre super!
Zusätzlich habe ich mal versucht den Mupen 64 Plus FZ Emulator mit deinem Parameter zu starten.. leider wird das Spiel damit nicht gestartet..
Bekomme folgendes als [definition=9,2]kodi.[definition='1','0']log[/definition][/definition], wenn ich versuche N64 Spiele zu starten.. Nach deiner Anleitung..
log" data-highlighter="python" data-line="1">21:43:04.336 T:143540471024 NOTICE: Trying to open: 44100 samplerate 12 channelMask 4 encoding
21:43:04.361 T:143540471024 NOTICE: CAESinkAUDIOTRACK::Initializing with: m_sampleRate: 44100 format: AE_FMT_FLOAT (AE) method: PCM stream-type: PCM-STREAM min_buffer_size: 22688 m_frames: 1418 m_frameSize: 8 channels: 2
21:43:22.437 T:143879181552 ERROR: AEL INFO : _command_add_new_launcher() New launcher (launcher_type = 2)
21:44:40.105 T:143540471024 NOTICE: Trying to open: 44100 samplerate 12 channelMask 4 encoding
21:44:40.108 T:143540471024 NOTICE: CAESinkAUDIOTRACK::Initializing with: m_sampleRate: 44100 format: AE_FMT_FLOAT (AE) method: PCM stream-type: PCM-STREAM min_buffer_size: 22688 m_frames: 1418 m_frameSize: 8 channels: 2
21:44:52.492 T:143538398448 ERROR: AEL INFO : _roms_import_roms() Starting ROM scanner ...
21:44:52.493 T:143538398448 ERROR: AEL INFO : Launcher name "Nintendo64"
21:44:52.493 T:143538398448 ERROR: AEL INFO : launcher ID "971adcc3581d57a3e08499e0ecd537f1"
21:44:52.493 T:143538398448 ERROR: AEL INFO : ROM path "/storage/emulated/0/Emulators/Nintendo 64/"
21:44:52.493 T:143538398448 ERROR: AEL INFO : ROM ext "zip"
21:44:52.493 T:143538398448 ERROR: AEL INFO : Platform "Nintendo 64"
21:44:52.493 T:143538398448 ERROR: AEL INFO : Report file OP "special://profile/addon_data/plugin.program.advanced.emulator.launcher/reports/roms_Spiele_Nintendo64_971adc_report.txt"
21:44:52.494 T:143538398448 ERROR: AEL INFO : Report file P "/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/org.xbmc.kodi/files/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/plugin.program.advanced.emulator.launcher/reports/roms_Spiele_Nintendo64_971adc_report.txt"
21:44:52.515 T:143538398448 ERROR: AEL INFO : Launcher ROM database contain 0 items
21:44:52.516 T:143538398448 ERROR: AEL INFO : Checking for unset artwork directories ...
21:44:52.517 T:143538398448 ERROR: AEL INFO : Checking for duplicated artwork directories ...
21:44:52.519 T:143538398448 ERROR: AEL INFO : No duplicated asset dirs found
21:44:52.519 T:143538398448 ERROR: AEL INFO : Scanning and caching files in asset directories ...
21:44:52.579 T:143538398448 ERROR: AEL INFO : Removing dead ROMs ...
21:44:52.580 T:143538398448 ERROR: AEL INFO : Launcher is empty. No dead ROM check.
21:44:52.583 T:143538398448 ERROR: AEL INFO : Scanning files in /storage/emulated/0/Emulators/Nintendo 64/
21:44:52.583 T:143538398448 ERROR: AEL INFO : Recursive scan activated
21:44:52.591 T:143538398448 ERROR: AEL INFO : File scanner found 2 files
21:44:52.607 T:143538398448 ERROR: AEL INFO : ROM does not belong to a multidisc set.
21:44:56.681 T:143538398448 ERROR: Previous line repeats 1 times.
21:44:56.681 T:143538398448 ERROR: AEL INFO : ******************** ROM scanner finished. Report ********************
21:44:56.681 T:143538398448 ERROR: AEL INFO : Removed dead ROMs 0
21:44:56.681 T:143538398448 ERROR: AEL INFO : Files checked 2
21:44:56.681 T:143538398448 ERROR: AEL INFO : New added ROMs 2
21:44:56.681 T:143538398448 ERROR: AEL INFO : No-Intro/Redump DAT not configured. Do not audit ROMs.
21:47:37.324 T:143538398448 ERROR: AEL INFO : _command_run_rom() Launching ROM in Launcher ...
21:47:37.325 T:143538398448 ERROR: AEL INFO : _command_run_rom() Using Launcher standard arguments
21:47:37.325 T:143538398448 ERROR: AEL INFO : _command_run_rom() Sigle ROM detected (no multidisc)
21:47:37.325 T:143538398448 ERROR: AEL INFO : _command_run_rom() ROMFileName OP "/storage/emulated/0/Emulators/Nintendo 64/Super Mario 64 (U) [!].zip"
21:47:37.325 T:143538398448 ERROR: AEL INFO : _command_run_rom() ROMFileName P "/storage/emulated/0/Emulators/Nintendo 64/Super Mario 64 (U) [!].zip"
21:47:37.325 T:143538398448 ERROR: AEL INFO : _command_run_rom() categoryID 9e618f61c34fcf72db26d9accd8d0227
21:47:37.325 T:143538398448 ERROR: AEL INFO : _command_run_rom() launcherID 971adcc3581d57a3e08499e0ecd537f1
21:47:37.325 T:143538398448 ERROR: AEL INFO : _command_run_rom() romID 75ddb685e21c40b10fd02989f27c8358
21:47:37.325 T:143538398448 ERROR: AEL INFO : _command_run_rom() romfile "/storage/emulated/0/Emulators/Nintendo 64/Super Mario 64 (U) [!].zip"
21:47:37.325 T:143538398448 ERROR: AEL INFO : _command_run_rom() rompath "/storage/emulated/0/Emulators/Nintendo 64"
21:47:37.325 T:143538398448 ERROR: AEL INFO : _command_run_rom() rombase "Super Mario 64 (U) [!].zip"
21:47:37.325 T:143538398448 ERROR: AEL INFO : _command_run_rom() rombasenoext "Super Mario 64 (U) [!]"
21:47:37.326 T:143538398448 ERROR: AEL INFO : _command_run_rom() romtitle "Super Mario 64 (U) [!]"
21:47:37.326 T:143538398448 ERROR: AEL INFO : _command_run_rom() application "/system/bin/am"
21:47:37.326 T:143538398448 ERROR: AEL INFO : _command_run_rom() apppath "/system/bin"
21:47:37.326 T:143538398448 ERROR: AEL INFO : _command_run_rom() romext "zip"
21:47:37.326 T:143538398448 ERROR: AEL INFO : Launching app found "/system/bin/am"
21:47:37.326 T:143538398448 ERROR: AEL INFO : ROM found "/storage/emulated/0/Emulators/Nintendo 64/Super Mario 64 (U) [!].zip"
21:47:37.326 T:143538398448 ERROR: AEL INFO : _command_run_rom() raw arguments "start --user 0 -n org.mupen64plusae.v3.fzurita/paulscode.android.mupen64plusae.SplashActivity -a android.intent.action.VIEW -eu Uri "file://%rom%""
21:47:37.326 T:143538398448 ERROR: AEL INFO : _command_run_rom() final arguments "start --user 0 -n org.mupen64plusae.v3.fzurita/paulscode.android.mupen64plusae.SplashActivity -a android.intent.action.VIEW -eu Uri "file:///storage/emulated/0/Emulators/Nintendo 64/Super Mario 64 (U) [!].zip""
21:47:37.334 T:143538398448 ERROR: AEL INFO : fs_write_Favourites_JSON() File special://profile/addon_data/plugin.program.advanced.emulator.launcher/most_played.json
21:47:37.338 T:143538398448 ERROR: AEL INFO : _command_run_rom() Launcher is not Kodi Retroplayer.
21:47:37.374 T:143540471024 NOTICE: Trying to open: 44100 samplerate 12 channelMask 4 encoding
21:47:37.380 T:143540471024 NOTICE: CAESinkAUDIOTRACK::Initializing with: m_sampleRate: 44100 format: AE_FMT_FLOAT (AE) method: PCM stream-type: PCM-STREAM min_buffer_size: 22688 m_frames: 1418 m_frameSize: 8 channels: 2
21:47:37.862 T:143538398448 ERROR: AEL INFO : _run_process() (Linux) Launching blocking process subprocess.call()
21:47:37.984 T:143538398448 ERROR: AEL INFO : _run_process() Process retcode = 2
21:48:52.496 T:143879181552 ERROR: AEL INFO : _command_run_rom() Launching ROM in Launcher ...
21:48:52.497 T:143879181552 ERROR: AEL INFO : _command_run_rom() Using Launcher standard arguments
21:48:52.497 T:143879181552 ERROR: AEL INFO : _command_run_rom() Sigle ROM detected (no multidisc)
21:48:52.497 T:143879181552 ERROR: AEL INFO : _command_run_rom() ROMFileName OP "/storage/emulated/0/Emulators/Nintendo 64/Banjo-Kazooie (U) [!].zip"
21:48:52.497 T:143879181552 ERROR: AEL INFO : _command_run_rom() ROMFileName P "/storage/emulated/0/Emulators/Nintendo 64/Banjo-Kazooie (U) [!].zip"
21:48:52.497 T:143879181552 ERROR: AEL INFO : _command_run_rom() categoryID 9e618f61c34fcf72db26d9accd8d0227
21:48:52.497 T:143879181552 ERROR: AEL INFO : _command_run_rom() launcherID 971adcc3581d57a3e08499e0ecd537f1
21:48:52.497 T:143879181552 ERROR: AEL INFO : _command_run_rom() romID cd4d506b9b510a297c3f1b4a7059736a
21:48:52.497 T:143879181552 ERROR: AEL INFO : _command_run_rom() romfile "/storage/emulated/0/Emulators/Nintendo 64/Banjo-Kazooie (U) [!].zip"
21:48:52.497 T:143879181552 ERROR: AEL INFO : _command_run_rom() rompath "/storage/emulated/0/Emulators/Nintendo 64"
21:48:52.498 T:143879181552 ERROR: AEL INFO : _command_run_rom() rombase "Banjo-Kazooie (U) [!].zip"
21:48:52.498 T:143879181552 ERROR: AEL INFO : _command_run_rom() rombasenoext "Banjo-Kazooie (U) [!]"
21:48:52.498 T:143879181552 ERROR: AEL INFO : _command_run_rom() romtitle "Banjo-Kazooie (U) [!]"
21:48:52.498 T:143879181552 ERROR: AEL INFO : _command_run_rom() application "/system/bin/am"
21:48:52.498 T:143879181552 ERROR: AEL INFO : _command_run_rom() apppath "/system/bin"
21:48:52.498 T:143879181552 ERROR: AEL INFO : _command_run_rom() romext "zip"
21:48:52.498 T:143879181552 ERROR: AEL INFO : Launching app found "/system/bin/am"
21:48:52.498 T:143879181552 ERROR: AEL INFO : ROM found "/storage/emulated/0/Emulators/Nintendo 64/Banjo-Kazooie (U) [!].zip"
21:48:52.498 T:143879181552 ERROR: AEL INFO : _command_run_rom() raw arguments "start --user 0 -n org.mupen64plusae.v3.fzurita/paulscode.android.mupen64plusae.SplashActivity -a android.intent.action.VIEW -eu Uri "file://%rom%""
21:48:52.498 T:143879181552 ERROR: AEL INFO : _command_run_rom() final arguments "start --user 0 -n org.mupen64plusae.v3.fzurita/paulscode.android.mupen64plusae.SplashActivity -a android.intent.action.VIEW -eu Uri "file:///storage/emulated/0/Emulators/Nintendo 64/Banjo-Kazooie (U) [!].zip""
21:48:52.505 T:143879181552 ERROR: AEL INFO : fs_write_Favourites_JSON() File special://profile/addon_data/plugin.program.advanced.emulator.launcher/most_played.json
21:48:52.510 T:143879181552 ERROR: AEL INFO : _command_run_rom() Launcher is not Kodi Retroplayer.
21:48:53.028 T:143879181552 ERROR: AEL INFO : _run_process() (Linux) Launching blocking process subprocess.call()
21:48:53.116 T:143879181552 ERROR: AEL INFO : _run_process() Process retcode = 2
21:53:52.617 T:142984051120 NOTICE: UnregisterRemovedDevices - device removed from joystick/android/inputdevice/138: NVIDIA Corporation NVIDIA Controller v01.04 (0955:7214)
22:03:34.958 T:142984051120 WARNING: CAndroidJoystickState: ignoring unknown axis 32 on input device "NVIDIA Corporation NVIDIA Controller v01.04" with ID 139
22:03:34.958 T:142984051120 WARNING: CAndroidJoystickState: ignoring unknown axis 33 on input device "NVIDIA Corporation NVIDIA Controller v01.04" with ID 139
22:03:34.959 T:142984051120 WARNING: CAndroidJoystickState: duplicate axis 22 on input device "NVIDIA Corporation NVIDIA Controller v01.04" with ID 139
22:03:34.960 T:142984051120 WARNING: CAndroidJoystickState: duplicate axis 23 on input device "NVIDIA Corporation NVIDIA Controller v01.04" with ID 139
22:03:34.960 T:142984051120 WARNING: CAndroidJoystickState: duplicate hat 16 on input device "NVIDIA Corporation NVIDIA Controller v01.04" with ID 139
22:03:35.032 T:142984051120 NOTICE: Register - new joystick device registered on android->android/inputdevice/139: NVIDIA Corporation NVIDIA Controller v01.04 (0955:7214)
22:04:12.001 T:143533217008 NOTICE: GL_VENDOR = NVIDIA Corporation
22:04:12.001 T:143533217008 NOTICE: GL_RENDERER = NVIDIA Tegra
22:04:12.001 T:143533217008 NOTICE: GL_VERSION = OpenGL ES 3.2 NVIDIA 390.00
22:04:12.001 T:143533217008 NOTICE: GL_SHADING_LANGUAGE_VERSION = OpenGL ES GLSL ES 3.20
22:04:12.001 T:143533217008 NOTICE: GL_EXTENSIONS = GL_EXT_debug_marker GL_EXT_base_instance GL_EXT_blend_func_extended GL_EXT_blend_minmax GL_EXT_buffer_storage GL_EXT_clear_texture GL_EXT_clip_control GL_EXT_clip_cull_distance GL_EXT_color_buffer_float GL_EXT_color_buffer_half_float GL_EXT_conservative_depth GL_EXT_copy_image GL_EXT_debug_label GL_EXT_discard_framebuffer GL_EXT_disjoint_timer_query GL_EXT_draw_buffers_indexed GL_EXT_draw_elements_base_vertex GL_EXT_external_buffer GL_EXT_float_blend GL_EXT_frag_depth GL_EXT_geometry_point_size GL_EXT_geometry_shader GL_EXT_gpu_shader5 GL_EXT_map_buffer_range GL_EXT_multi_draw_indirect GL_EXT_multisample_compatibility GL_EXT_occlusion_query_boolean GL_EXT_polygon_offset_clamp GL_EXT_post_depth_coverage GL_EXT_primitive_bounding_box GL_EXT_protected_textures GL_EXT_raster_multisample GL_EXT_render_snorm GL_EXT_robustness GL_EXT_separate_shader_objects GL_EXT_shader_group_vote GL_EXT_shader_implicit_conversions GL_EXT_shader_integer_mix GL_EXT_shader_io_blocks GL_EXT_shader_non_constant_global_initializers GL_EXT_shader_texture_lod GL_EXT_shadow_samplers GL_EXT_sparse_texture GL_EXT_sparse_texture2 GL_EXT_sRGB GL_EXT_sRGB_write_control GL_EXT_tessellation_point_size GL_EXT_tessellation_shader GL_EXT_texture_border_clamp GL_EXT_texture_buffer GL_EXT_texture_compression_bptc GL_EXT_texture_compression_dxt1 GL_EXT_texture_compression_rgtc GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc GL_EXT_texture_cube_map_array GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic GL_EXT_texture_filter_minmax GL_EXT_texture_format_BGRA8888 GL_EXT_texture_mirror_clamp_to_edge GL_EXT_texture_norm16 GL_EXT_texture_rg GL_EXT_texture_sRGB_R8 GL_EXT_texture_sRGB_decode GL_EXT_texture_storage GL_EXT_texture_view GL_EXT_draw_transform_feedback GL_EXT_unpack_subimage GL_EXT_window_rectangles GL_KHR_context_flush_control GL_KHR_debug GL_EXT_memory_object GL_EXT_memory_object_fd GL_KHR_parallel_shader_compile GL_KHR_no_error GL_KHR_robust_buffer_access_behavior GL_KHR_robustness GL_EXT_semaphore GL_EXT_semaphore_fd GL_KHR_texture_compression_astc_ldr GL_KHR_texture_compression_astc_sliced_3d GL_NV_bgr GL_NV_bindless_texture GL_NV_blend_equation_advanced GL_NV_blend_equation_advanced_coherent GL_NV_blend_minmax_factor GL_NV_conditional_render GL_NV_conservative_raster GL_NV_copy_buffer GL_NV_copy_image GL_NV_draw_buffers GL_NV_draw_instanced GL_NV_draw_texture GL_NV_draw_vulkan_image GL_NV_EGL_stream_consumer_external GL_NV_explicit_attrib_location GL_NV_fbo_color_attachments GL_NV_fill_rectangle GL_NV_fragment_coverage_to_color GL_NV_fragment_shader_interlock GL_NV_framebuffer_blit GL_NV_framebuffer_mixed_samples GL_NV_framebuffer_multisample GL_NV_generate_mipmap_sRGB GL_NV_geometry_shader_passthrough GL_NV_instanced_arrays GL_NV_internalformat_sample_query GL_NV_gpu_shader5 GL_NV_image_formats GL_NV_occlusion_query_samples GL_NV_non_square_matrices GL_NV_pack_subimage GL_NV_packed_float GL_NV_packed_float_linear GL_NV_path_rendering GL_NV_path_rendering_shared_edge GL_NV_pixel_buffer_object GL_NV_polygon_mode GL_NV_read_buffer GL_NV_read_depth GL_NV_read_depth_stencil GL_NV_read_stencil GL_NV_sample_locations GL_NV_sample_mask_override_coverage GL_NV_secure_context GL_NV_shader_atomic_fp16_vector GL_NV_shader_noperspective_interpolation GL_NV_shadow_samplers_array GL_NV_shadow_samplers_cube GL_NV_sRGB_formats GL_NV_texture_array GL_NV_texture_barrier GL_NV_texture_border_clamp GL_NV_texture_compression_latc GL_NV_texture_compression_s3tc GL_NV_texture_compression_s3tc_update GL_NV_timer_query GL_NV_viewport_array GL_NV_viewport_array2 GL_NV_viewport_swizzle GL_KHR_blend_equation_advanced GL_KHR_blend_equation_advanced_coherent GL_OES_compressed_ETC1_RGB8_texture GL_EXT_compressed_ETC1_RGB8_sub_texture GL_OES_depth24 GL_OES_depth32 GL_OES_depth_texture GL_OES_depth_texture_cube_map GL_OES_copy_image GL_OES_draw_buffers_indexed GL_OES_draw_elements_base_vertex GL_OES_texture_border_clamp GL_OES_tessellation_point_size GL_OES_tessellation_shader GL_OES_texture_buffer GL_OES_geometry_point_size GL_OES_geometry_shader GL_OES_gpu_shader5 GL_OES_shader_io_blocks GL_OES_texture_view GL_OES_primitive_bounding_box GL_OES_EGL_image GL_OES_EGL_image_external GL_OES_EGL_image_external_essl3 GL_OES_EGL_sync GL_OES_element_index_uint GL_OES_fbo_render_mipmap GL_OES_get_program_binary GL_OES_mapbuffer GL_OES_packed_depth_stencil GL_OES_rgb8_rgba8 GL_OES_sample_shading GL_OES_sample_variables GL_OES_shader_image_atomic GL_OES_shader_multisample_interpolation GL_OES_standard_derivatives GL_OES_surfaceless_context GL_OES_texture_cube_map_array GL_OES_texture_npot GL_OES_texture_float GL_OES_texture_float_linear GL_OES_texture_half_float GL_OES_texture_half_float_linear GL_OES_texture_stencil8 GL_OES_texture_storage_multisample_2d_array GL_OES_vertex_array_object GL_OES_vertex_half_float
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