Moin Moin
Was mich schon länger nervt, wenn ich ein Addon aktualisiere (also auch die Version erhöhe) und in die Repo einstelle, zeigt mir Kodi zwar an, dass eine Aktualisierung verfügbar ist, aber es wird mir die alte Version des Addons angezeigt.
Wenn ich das Update trotzdem starte, dann hat das addon natürlich die richtige neue Version.
Ich nutze das übliche Skript (nur leicht umgeschrieben für ersetzen vorhandener daten, icon und changelog dazu).
Wisst ihr einen Rat? Oder muss ich bei jeder Aktualisierung auch die Repo-Version erhöhen?
""" repository files and addons.xml generator """
""" Modified by Rodrigo@XMBCHUB to zip plugins/repositories to a "zip" folder """
""" Modified by BartOtten: create a repository addon, skip folders without addon.xml, user config file """
""" Modified by harryberlin: overwrite existing files, copy icon and changlog to repo, strip url from output path """
""" This file is "as is", without any warranty whatsoever. Use as own risk """
import os
import md5
import zipfile
import shutil
from xml.dom import minidom
import glob
import datetime
from ConfigParser import SafeConfigParser
class Generator:
Generates a new addons.xml file from each addons addon.xml file
and a new addons.xml.md5 hash file. Must be run from a subdirectory (eg. _tools) of
the checked-out repo. Only handles single depth folder structure.
def __init__(self):
Load the configuration
self.config = SafeConfigParser()'config.ini')
self.tools_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))))
self.backup_zip = False if self.config.get('settings', 'backup_zip').upper() == 'FALSE' else True
self.ignore_outputpath_in_url = True if self.config.get('settings', 'ignore_outputpath_in_url').upper() == 'TRUE' else False
self.output_path = "_" + self.config.get('locations', 'output_path')
# travel path one up
os.chdir(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.tools_path, os.pardir)))
# generate files
# notify user
print "Finished updating addons xml, md5 files and zipping addons"
def _pre_run(self):
# create output path if it does not exists
if not os.path.exists(self.output_path):
def _generate_repo_files(self):
addonid = self.config.get('addon', 'id')
name = self.config.get('addon', 'name')
version = self.config.get('addon', 'version')
author = self.config.get('addon', 'author')
summary = self.config.get('addon', 'summary')
description = self.config.get('addon', 'description')
url = self.config.get('locations', 'url')
if os.path.isfile(addonid + os.path.sep + "addon.xml"): return
print "Create repository addon"
with open(self.tools_path + os.path.sep + "template.xml", "r") as template:
template_xml =
repo_xml = template_xml.format(
output_path='' if self.ignore_outputpath_in_url else self.output_path)
# save file
if not os.path.exists(addonid):
self._save_file(repo_xml.encode("utf-8"), file=addonid + os.path.sep + "addon.xml")
def _generate_zip_files(self):
addons = os.listdir(".")
# loop thru and add each addons addon.xml file
for addon in addons:
# create path
_path = os.path.join(addon, "addon.xml")
_changelog = os.path.join(addon, "changelog.txt")
_iconpng = os.path.join(addon, "icon.png")
_iconjpg = os.path.join(addon, "icon.jpg")
_fanart = os.path.join(addon, "fanart.jpg")
# skip path if it has no addon.xml
if not os.path.isfile(_path): continue
# skip any file or .git folder
if (not os.path.isdir(addon) or addon == ".git" or addon == self.output_path or addon == self.tools_path): continue
# create path
_path = os.path.join(addon, "addon.xml")
# split lines for stripping
document = minidom.parse(_path)
for parent in document.getElementsByTagName("addon"):
version = parent.getAttribute("version")
addonid = parent.getAttribute("id")
self._generate_zip_file(addon, version, addonid)
if os.path.isfile(_path):
shutil.copy(_path, self.output_path + addonid + os.path.sep + "addon.xml")
if os.path.isfile(_changelog):
shutil.copy(_changelog, self.output_path + addonid + os.path.sep + "changelog-%s.txt" % version)
if os.path.isfile(_iconpng):
shutil.copy(_iconpng, self.output_path + addonid + os.path.sep + "icon.png")
elif os.path.isfile(_iconjpg):
shutil.copy(_iconjpg, self.output_path + addonid + os.path.sep + "icon.jpg")
if os.path.isfile(_fanart):
shutil.copy(_fanart, self.output_path + addonid + os.path.sep + "fanart.jpg")
except Exception, e:
print e
def _generate_zip_file(self, path, version, addonid):
print "Generate zip file for " + addonid + " " + version
filename = path + "-" + version + ".zip"
zip = zipfile.ZipFile(filename, 'w')
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path + os.path.sep):
for file in files:
zip.write(os.path.join(root, file))
if not os.path.exists(self.output_path + addonid):
os.makedirs(self.output_path + addonid)
if self.backup_zip and os.path.isfile(self.output_path + addonid + os.path.sep + filename):
print 'Create Backup for existing %s zip-File' % addonid
os.rename(self.output_path + addonid + os.path.sep + filename, self.output_path + addonid + os.path.sep + filename + "." +"%Y%m%d%H%M%S"))
shutil.move(filename, self.output_path + addonid + os.path.sep + filename)
except Exception, e:
print e
def _generate_addons_file(self):
# addon list
addons = os.listdir(".")
# final addons text
addons_xml = u"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n<addons>\n"
# loop thru and add each addons addon.xml file
for addon in addons:
# create path
_path = os.path.join(addon, "addon.xml")
# skip path if it has no addon.xml
if not os.path.isfile(_path): continue
# split lines for stripping
xml_lines = open(_path, "r").read().splitlines()
# new addon
addon_xml = ""
# loop thru cleaning each line
for line in xml_lines:
# skip encoding format line
if (line.find("<?xml") >= 0): continue
# add line
addon_xml += unicode(line.rstrip() + "\n", "utf-8")
# we succeeded so add to our final addons.xml text
addons_xml += addon_xml.rstrip() + "\n\n"
except Exception, e:
# missing or poorly formatted addon.xml
print "Excluding %s for %s" % (_path, e,)
# clean and add closing tag
addons_xml = addons_xml.strip() + u"\n</addons>\n"
# save file
self._save_file(addons_xml.encode("utf-8"), file=self.output_path + "addons.xml")
def _generate_md5_file(self):
# create a new md5 hash
m = + "addons.xml").read()).hexdigest()
# save file
self._save_file(m, file=self.output_path + "addons.xml.md5")
except Exception, e:
# oops
print "An error occurred creating addons.xml.md5 file!\n%s" % (e,)
def _save_file(self, data, file):
# write data to the file
open(file, "w").write(data)
except Exception, e:
# oops
print "An error occurred saving %s file!\n%s" % (file, e,)
if (__name__ == "__main__"):
# start
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